Minggu, 30 Mei 2021

Informazioni sul progetto Utopia: scopri perché scegli e quale valore puoi aggiungere


Come sappiamo, quando vogliamo investire, i risultati saranno molto richiesti e la qualità finale è un grande profitto. E per ottenere buoni risultati, la gestione deve essere molto selettiva. Se sei un partecipante al mercato dell'elettronica o il tuo lavoro è legato al mercato elettronico, credo che tu comprenda molto bene la trasparenza e la chiarezza di Blockchain. Utopia è una piattaforma ricca di funzionalità appositamente progettata per proteggere la privacy delle comunicazioni, la riservatezza e la sicurezza dei dati personali. tutto fatto per essere attenti alla privacy. Di seguito troverai informazioni sulle principali caratteristiche di Utopia che lo rendono unico.

Utopia è una rete decentralizzata, senza un server centrale coinvolto nella trasmissione o nell'archiviazione dei dati. La rete è supportata da persone che utilizzano molte funzionalità di alta qualità.

Il codice per computer Utopia P2P è costituito da un'enorme varietà di applicazioni intrinseche per l'uso quotidiano su un'unica piattaforma:
uMessenger per testo crittografato veloce e messaggistica elettronica vocale, trasferimento e archiviazione di file, chat e canali cluster,
feed di notizie e discussioni private. Tutte le informazioni nelle chat del cluster, nei canali e nelle chat private sono crittografate per impostazione predefinita utilizzando una combinazione di AES a 256 bit e codifica Curve25519 ad alta velocità e non richiede passaggi aggiuntivi per modificare la codifica. È facile cercare i canali Utopia e aggiunge un livello di sicurezza. Di conseguenza, non è necessario utilizzare i servizi di mappe disponibili pubblicamente, che sono noti per raccogliere le tue informazioni per contenere enormi raccolte di informazioni. Utopia viene lanciato con le seguenti funzionalità:
UMail può essere una distinzione localizzata per premiare le email vecchio stile prive di spam. Il server non viene utilizzato per inviare o memorizzare e-mail. L'account uMail è stato creato per un lungo periodo di tempo, fornendo spazio di archiviazione illimitato per messaggi e allegati. La codifica del sistema Utopia garantisce la sicurezza della trasmissione e dell'archiviazione della posta. Il tuo UMail, come quello in Utopia, non può essere bloccato o ritirato.
UWallet per pagamenti anonimi, nella criptovaluta mineraria interna di Utopia Crypton, accetta pagamenti sul tuo sito web, paga carte crittografiche senza rivelare la tua identità o addebita a diversi utenti Utopia i tuoi servizi. Il mining di Crypton utilizza la tecnologia Proof-of-Memory che ha scarso effetto sull'hardware e sul consumo energetico. Tutti gli utenti della rete Utopia vengono ricompensati con gas nobili ogni quarto d'ora per rimanere online e mantenere così la rete peer-to-peer di Utopia partecipando alla trasmissione di informazioni crittografate.
UNS è un sistema di denominazione Utopia che può essere più sicuro del sistema di nomi standard (DNS). Si tratta spesso di elenchi localizzati che non possono essere modificati, congelati o manomessi da terzi. Una volta registrato, per il momento è spesso tuo. UNS, combinato con l'inoltro dei pacchetti, consente il passaggio di informazioni sufficienti tra gli utenti del sistema, consentendo l'hosting di vari tipi di risorse e siti Web sulla rete Utopia. I nomi uNS registrati possono anche essere associati automaticamente al tuo canale, cluster o profilo personale Utopia.

Come funziona l'ecosistema Utopia?

Utopia è una rete decentralizzata, senza un server centrale coinvolto nella trasmissione o nell'archiviazione dei dati. La rete è supportata dalle persone che la utilizzano. Con Utopia puoi inviare messaggi di testo e vocali istantanei, trasferire file, canali per eseguire un blog o feed di notizie e creare una chat di gruppo o condurre una discussione privata. Un canale può essere geotaggato utilizzando le uMaps integrate, che semplifica la ricerca dei canali Utopia in tutto il mondo, oltre a aggiungere ulteriore sicurezza in modo che non sia necessario utilizzare mappe pubbliche. Tutte le funzionalità finanziarie possono essere trovate nell'uWallet integrato di Utopia con cui puoi effettuare e accettare pagamenti denominati nella criptovaluta di Utopia 'Crypton', accettare pagamenti sul tuo sito web, pagare con Crypto Card senza rivelare la tua chiave pubblica o fatturare ad altri utenti di Utopia per i tuoi servizi. Altre caratteristiche includono un'API sviluppata per un'integrazione rapida e semplice, la capacità di eseguire il tunneling dei dati tra un utente che possiede un nome uNS e qualsiasi altro utente di rete, consentendo così l'hosting dei siti Web all'interno di Utopia.

Con il loro motto di essere un gruppo di appassionati di Internet che non possono più stare in disparte a guardare cosa sta succedendo nel mondo attuale e vedere i valori fondamentali della libertà nella comune. Come viene erosa la loro associazione? Ha deciso di partecipare.

Con la sua esistenza e una reputazione di lunga data negli ultimi 6 anni, UTOPIA è costantemente cambiata e migliorata per soddisfare tutti gli utenti, in caso di successo, Utopia può integrare un bel po 'di dApp nel suo ecosistema. . Ciò porterà alla creazione del web decentralizzato che molte persone immaginano sulle criptovalute.

Costruire per lo scopo della loro missione ha reso UTOPIA uno dei progetti più pratici per le esigenze di tutti gli utenti di oggi. Con il loro motto di essere un gruppo di appassionati di Internet che non possono più stare in disparte a guardare cosa sta succedendo nel mondo attuale e vedere i valori fondamentali della libertà nella comune. Come si sta erodendo la nostra associazione. Abbiamo deciso di partecipare.

Crypton Cryptocurrency

Crypton è parte integrante del sistema Utopia. Tutte le transazioni finanziarie all'interno di Utopia sono denominate in Crypton.

☆ Crittograficamente sicuro. Non può essere    manipolato da nessuna organizzazione o governo
☆ Sicuro per i commercianti. Le transazioni in Crypton sono definitive e non possono essere annullate
☆ Un'interfaccia commerciante è prontamente disponibile
☆Libertà di pagamento. Invia e ricevi denaro ovunque nel mondo in qualsiasi momento
☆ Hai il controllo del denaro di Utopia. Non esistono terze parti autorizzate a bloccare il portafoglio di Utopia
☆ Riservatezza. Le transazioni di Utopia non possono essere Utopia di altri
☆ Conveniente. Le commissioni di transazione sono al minimo
☆ Estrazione mineraria. Puoi guadagnare semplicemente usando Utopia senza alcun effetto sulle prestazioni del computer di Utopia

Maggiori informazioni sul progetto:

Sito web: https://u.is/

Puoi unirti alla rete Utopia: https://u.is/en

Nome utente BTT: yanyan84
Telegram: @yanyan84
Portafoglio CRP: 4D6C0D31B2D9E708E2A3DEE2A0CD1DB1840828FD18DEBC3AF489C7CFFFD4327C

Selasa, 25 Mei 2021

The World Of Fitness Industry In Crypto ... WellBe


Cryptocurrency for the fitness industry

Blockchain technology will better connect fitness resources and equipment, as well as upstream and downstream service providers and participants, for greater efficiency, so that people's access to fitness is enormous and most importantly its safety and convenience. The introduction of blockchain will unite the entire fitness industry into a complete and complete ecosystem that makes full use of all resources, fitness experts, suppliers, clubs, practitioners and peripheral products. This cryptocurrency related to blockchain technology offers many advantages and benefits at all levels and for everyone.

Most cryptocurrencies today have mining systems that reward those using their graphics card or dedicated mining processor or hardware. It works like inflation or can even be seen as a kind of "dividend
"on cryptocurrency. Bitcoin alone" burns "over FIVE BILLION dollars a year for mining.

We view Bitcoin massive mining rewards as an exaggeration and believe that with just a fraction of the rewards of mining Bitcoin can be just as secure (as Bitcoin shows, which has high network security with no associated problems, even with market cap and mining-Rewards reached is 1/10 as now). If Bitcoin had a system similar to WellBe, Bitcoin would currently have billions of dollars a year for development and growth. This is a huge mistake, a gap WellBe is trying to fill. For us, the combination with the governance function and smart contracts are the main characteristics of the most powerful cryptocurrency of the future.

It is important to understand the power of the combination of WellBe's functions and at the same time to be accompanied by a strong vision. Our Finance Department will help hundreds of fitness and sports organizations lead the way in cutting-edge development, while funding marketing and business development specialists to increase user awareness and drive dealer acceptance in the market. the whole world. Finally, WellBe will even help clear regulatory pathways to enable deep integration in countries around the world. For a better idea of ​​where we're going, take a look at our road map.

The special features of WellBe Coin

  • ICO: yes
  • Code: WELB
  • Token type: BEP20
  • Blocking time: 1 minute
  • Consensus: proof of commitment
  • Stake: 1 WELB minimum (transaction with 101 confirmations)
  • Masternode: 1000 WELB
  • Cash cycle: every 7 days
  • For the first time around 200,000 WELB are published monthly each year. Approvals can easily be viewed as "10/10/10/40/40".
200,000 WELB are published monthly for the first year. The assignment can be found below:
  • 10% given to stakers
  • 40%, assigned to MasterNodes
  • 30% allocated to the Ministry of Finance
  • 10% for FAS
  • 10% off WELLBE BONE.
Masternode operators will start earning after the 6th month of launch. The masternode requirement is 1000 WELB
  • Ticker: WELB
  • ICO: yes
  • Token blockchain network: BEP20
  • Consensus: proof of commitment
  • Blocking time: 1 minute
  • Master node requirement: 1000 WELB
  • STAKING: at least 1 WELB
You can find more information on our

WellBE innovations in the fitness industry

General Introduction

Fitness industry is a very huge industry and has been in existence for a long time . Integrating blockchain technology into the industry will revolutionize and disrupt the industry . Almost all aspect of the global economy has integrated blockchain technology to achieve some level of operational efficiency , security and economy of cost. Health sector , Education , finance , logistic and several industries has been enjoying the benefits of leveraging blockchain technology .

In this publication, i will be discussing about Wellbe coin platform , a fitness platform that aims to leverage the power of blockchain technology , smart contracts technology and governance to create an easy to access Fitness services and highly profitable investment opportunities for everyone. WellBe Coin envision to develop a blockchain powered Fitness platform where Smart contracts technology and governance will be leverage to provide opportunities for the platform users.
WellBe envisioned to build a robust economy on blockchain and combine some beneficial features which will allow large numbers of fitness and sporting organization leading their way through cutting edge development . The team of the project will fund the project developments and increasing global awareness through massive funding of the marketing and other promotional program . This will enable global adoption by various merchant all over the world

About WellBE Coin

WellBE Coin platform is spearheading the mission of Crypto massive adoption in fitness industry . The team will found a foundation named (TRESOR) which will ensure the stability and steady development of WELB ecosystem . WelBE will offer up to 15% interest per annum for the investors in their platform and platform will operate a decentralized treasury where the Reserve are being stored in FIAT. The project ICO has kicked off since April 9,2021 , the sales is still ongoing , this will grant prospective investors opportunity to buy token at cheaper price and gain early bird advantage. For more detailed information about the token sale ,kindly refer to the link :https://www.wellbe-coin.com/t-en-gb/ico

Why is it necessary to invest in WellBe Coin?

WellBe is a new Digital currency that will be listing in the crypto world designed to support the World of Fitness and Sports. The ecosystem applies a governance model and incorporates blockchain / smart contract technology to ensure operational efficiency and maintain a high level of transparency and fairness. WellBe Coin will definitely be the ideal cryptocurrency for everyone because of its promising features.
The fitness industry has more than 230 million club members worldwide, this will ensure the fast growth of cryptocurrency. There is a high tendency for mass adoption. Blockchain technology has created a new era in the fitness industry where everyone can take advantage of it.
Users have a tendency to earn up to 15% APY per annum from their investment, isn't that beneficial for all of us ?. Users will be able to pay for their various subscriptions using WELB to gain access to Fitness.

#WELB #WellBe Coin #Bitcoin #BSC #Crypto

200,000 WELBs will be released every month in the first year. The allocations can be found below:
  • 10% goes to the Stakers
  • 40%, allocated to MasterNodes
  • 30%, allocated to the Treasury
  • 10% is allocated to FAS
  • 10% goes to WELLBE BONE.
Masternode operators will start earning after the 6th month of launch. Masternode requirement is 1000 WELB
  • Ticker: WELB
  • ICO: Yes
  • Network blockchain token: BEP20
  • Consensus: Stake Proof
  • Block time: 1 minute
  • Masternode requirements: 1000 WELB
  • STAKING: at least 1 WELB


WellBE is a good choice of cryptocurrency for everyone . The platform will leverage the benefits of blockchain technology to offer the global fitness lover best Fitness ecosystem. WellBe envisioned to build a robust economy on blockchain and combine some beneficial features which will allow large numbers of fitness and sporting organization leading their way through cutting edge development . Users have tendency of profiting up to 15% APY per annum on their investments.

Official Resources

Website: https://www.wellbe-coin.com/
Whitepaper: https://www.wellbe-coin.com/t-en-gb/whitepaper/le-livre-blanc
Telegram : https://t.me/wellbecoingroupe
Twitter : https://twitter.com/WellbeCoin
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wellbecoin/
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/WellBeCoin/
Medium : https://cyclon13200.medium.com/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wellbecoin/


Bitcointalk username : yanyan84
Bitcointalk user profile url : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330
BEP20: 0x7A1A9a01Ef6723dEa38e23fD85F3CeD606af48e4

Senin, 24 Mei 2021

WellBe Fitness Industry Ecosystem


WELLBE COINS? Cryptocurrency is based on a revolutionary new technology that brings financial independence. Today we have the opportunity to allow the Fitness and Sports industry areas to have their own cryptocurrency and the opportunity to create a global community, bringing together all market participants, around value, projects and Success!

Through Blockchain technology, the fitness industry, as well as upstream and downstream service providers are better connected for greater efficiency, so access is very large. Through the introduction of Blockchain, the entire fitness industry will be consolidated into a complete and efficient ecosystem, making full use of all resources, fitness experts, suppliers, clubs, practitioners, peripheral products. This cryptocurrency related to Blockchain technology brings many advantages and benefits at all levels and for everyone.

The majority of cryptocurrencies today have mining systems that reward those who use their graphics card or processor, or dedicated mining hardware. It works like inflation or can even be seen as a kind of "tax" on cryptocurrency. Bitcoin alone "burns" over FIVE BILLION dollars a year for mining.

We see the enormous advantages of Bitcoin mining and believe that Bitcoin is safer with only a fraction of the rewards of mining it (as shown by Bitcoin having great network security without corresponding issues, even when market cap and market cap mining are rewarded 1 / 10 as of now). If Bitcoin had a system similar to WellBe, Bitcoin would currently have BILLION DOLLARS per year which would be allocated for development and growth. This is a huge value, a gap WellBe is trying to fill. Combining this with governance capabilities and smart contracts is what we see as a key feature of the most powerful cryptocurrency of the future.

It's important to understand the power of WellBe's combination of features, along with a strong vision. Our management will assist hundreds of leading sports and fitness organizations in cutting-edge development, while funding marketing and business development specialists to increase user awareness and drive merchant adoption in the market. the whole world. WellBe will ultimately even help clear regulatory pathways to enable deep integration in countries around the world. For a better idea of ​​where we're going, take a look at our road map.

Cryptocurrency is the money of the future, allowing people to break out of the centralized monetary system to gain independence and opportunities to grow. Adapting it to a specific business sector is a way of ensuring real and managed growth in the industry, while rewarding every actor in the ecosystem.

In order to achieve massive adoption in the fitness industry, we have decided to create a foundation (TRESOR) which will ensure the relative stability and growth of WELB.

WellBe has an ICO with pre-mining tokens and is designed to have a strong cash flow and development system. Our treasure trove is characteristic of our currency, rare in most cryptocurrencies on the market. The Treasury of WellBe is decentralized and represents a reserve in FIAT, which ensures the WELB. This allows WellBe to guarantee an annual growth of 15% of its original value, and as WellBe grows, the cash budget will increase which will allow even greater growth.

WellBe Coin is a self-financing in addition to its Treasury, Solidarity Assistance Fund (FAS) which is a PROJECT at the heart of PROJECTS. This fund is intended to support, assist, and assist the structure of the Fitness ecosystem, to develop, innovate, and get out of a one time crisis. At WellBe, we work to identify and encourage the activities that produce the absolute most value in return for what we spend on that effort. This is why WellBe devotes 40% of crypto to development because we want every euro invested in our ecosystem to bring more than one euro of new added value when devoted to technology development, marketing and campaigns. which will increase the Community and hence the massive adoption of the WELB we are looking for.


WellBe Coin is a cryptocurrency in a world where digital assets are essential in the implementation of a new global monetary policy that is sure to change completely. With the announced loss of FIAT currency, WellBe Coin is the ideal solution for its intended industry. Adapting it to a specific industrial area is a way of ensuring real and controlled growth in the industry, while rewarding every actor in the ecosystem.
To fulfill the desire to achieve mass adoption in the Fitness industry, we are building a system based on the Fund of Fund (the TREASURE).

WellBe has an ICO with pre-mining tokens and has been carefully designed to have a solid supply system for Treasure and its Masternodes. Our Treasuries are like "Stable Coins" which are meant to ensure the regular growth of WellBe whatever the market fluctuation. The WellBe Treasury is decentralized.

Apart from having an independent treasury, WellBe Coin has a Solidarity Assistance Fund which is the Heart of the Project. This FAS is self-powered, much like the Department of Finance is used to support, assist, and accompany structures dedicated to well-being and well-being. Another area of ​​equal importance, namely Development, where other cryptocurrencies devote more than 40% of the allocation of funds to the team and the founders, WellBe allocates 40% for Development (Marketing and Technology) to ensure a thriving community and offering. increasingly attractive and innovative services. Its goal is to make using WellBe easy, user-friendly and practical for all stakeholders in the ecosystem.

  • There is an emerging need for security in fluctuating currency values ​​and therefore in cryptocurrencies, due to this, among other things, cryptocurrencies are only adopted at 0.5% globally. A strategically designed cryptocurrency that can measure and maximize and secure its value is a welcome alternative today. Cryptocurrency leaders don't have everything they need to meet this need.
  • In the general community, outside of the crypto ecosystem, cryptocurrencies don't have the best reputation. Relevant media reports that reach ordinary people, most often via "local news" broadcasts, social media and newspaper opinion sections, are at the opposite end of the spectrum. editorial. When it comes to news media reaching the general public, there is very little bandwidth left for useful and objective information about the reality of this emerging technology.
  • Cryptocurrencies are too complex for most people, and the barrier to entry is much higher than potential adopters can tolerate. Trading often involves significant friction on the part of the user, and trading in value between cryptocurrencies is often inconsistent or time-consuming.
  • Many cryptos decide on very high rewards for "miners" on their networks, without first modeling the organization's financial needs to support development. As a result, many cryptocurrencies have little or no growth potential, and / or contributors are not paid.
  • WellBe Coin will be built on 4 principles for mass adoption.
  • Trust
  • Vigilance
  • Usability / User-friendliness / Availability

-Build a solid base of an extensive independent treasury system with chain management

-Build a strong support system

-Create a WellBe Coin Community

-Build growth mechanisms with AirDrop and other marketing campaigns

-Built stability mechanisms with the WellBe Coin Masternodes network and the Staking system, both with strong bounties.

  • Build an ecosystem by extending the integration capabilities of dApps (decentralized applications) and cryptocurrencies on the WellBe Coin platform with an emphasis on trust, awareness, usability and availability. Creation of a smart contract platform for publishing digital services between systems. WellBe Coin services for ICO will include:
☆ WellBe Defense and WellBe Bureau of       Investigation (WBI)
☆ WellBe Incubator
☆ WellBe Development and Support (WSD)
☆ WellBe Marketing "Toolbox"


2021 Q1 2021

WELLBE presentation to partners selected to launch this project (RESOFIT, FITNESS ACADEMIE)

Pre-development: Coin issuance and allocation of various wallets such as Treasury, as well as fundamental designs (Wallet, dApps, ICO, Earndrop)

WellBeHash implementation (ASIC resistant hashing algorithm)

Application of the treasury system and WellBe Coin Bone

Development begins in February 2021.

Online trial February 2021

End of February 20210 optimizations and improvements to the technical and economic aspects of WellBe Coin

February 2021 launch of the first phase of WellBe Coin Airdrop

K2 2021

April 2021 WELB prize distribution from the 1st Camgane Airdrop

April 2021, ICO launch

April 2021 migration to Binance Smart Chain

May 2021 Salon du BodyFitness (handing over WellBe Coin to French Fitness actors)

June 2021 Implementation of smart contracts for STAKING

K3 2021

The end of the ICO on July 9, 2021, listed on the WELB trading platform at a price of 0.15 € with the IEO

Staker is alive! Rewards start in August, about 7 months after launch to ensure fair distribution and give community members enough time to accumulate.

Establishment of a Solidarity Assistance Fund (FAS)

The first phase of the Airdrop was completed since April, 500,000 WELBs were distributed, more than 20,000 Internet users followed social media

K4 2021

Airdrop Phase 2 and 3 begins (October 2021)

Making the WELLBE application (in the IOS / Android application)

Making WELB Wallet (WELLBE COIN wallet)

WELB.03 under development (dedicated bank card creation for WELB) such as Crypto.com Metal Card

Expanding marketing efforts for wider adoption within the club and among various players in the Fitness Industry. Target: mobilizing large franchises in the use of WELB as a means of payment in their structure.

2022 Q1 2022

WellBe Coin 3.0 release, WellBe Coin is very compatible from the start with the Ethereum and BSC platforms, allowing almost total exploitation of its capacity while integrating our Treasury, Masternode and governance systems, all in One. WellBe Coin 3.0 is a system update to make it even more secure before using WellBe Coin in 'real life'.

End of 2nd and 3rd phase of Airdrop and start of 4th phase

First WellBe Coin Crystal Card release and provision

K2 2022

Giga Europe's marketing campaign for WELB adoption across continents, ahead of global launch.

By the end of 2022, WellBe Coin will develop its own Blockchain, and will exit the Binance Smart Chain to be fully autonomous and offer a large number of services that are decentralized and highly secure. Our development is not only on a global scale in the Fitness and Sports industry but also in other areas with the creation of other Tokens in the future based on BlockChain Well.

For information visit our site

Website: https: //www.wellbe-coin.com/
Whitepaper: https://www.wellbe-coin.com/t-en-gb/whitepaper/le-livre-blanc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WellbeCoin
Telegram: https://t.me/wellbecoingroupe
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wellbecoin/
Media: https://cyclon13200.medium.com/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/WellBeCoin/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellbecoin/
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5335417.0

Author : yanyan84
Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330
BEP20: 0x7A1A9a01Ef6723dEa38e23fD85F3CeD606af48e4

Minggu, 23 Mei 2021

STOBOX : FіnTесh еxреrtѕ all оvеr the wоrld

"Intrоduсtіоn STOBOX"

Crурtосurrеnсу market has еxреrіеnсеd a hugе grоwth еvеr since thе іnсерtіоn оf DeFi tесhnоlоgу аnd ѕоmе оthеr blосkсhаіn infrastructures . FіnTесh еxреrtѕ all оvеr the wоrld are working tіrеlеѕѕlу tо tаkе cryptocurrency industry to thе nеxt lеvеl. Traditional fіnаnсіаl ѕуѕtеm hаvе a lot оf ѕhоrtсоmіngѕ . Lасk of transparency , insecurity аnd іnеffісіеnсу аrе thе рrеdоmіnаnt barriers іn thе сеntrаlіzеd financial setting . Blockchain tесhnоlоgу hаѕ emerged tо соrrесt аll thеѕе іmbаlаnсеѕ , hence оffеrіng a ѕuѕtаіnаblе, trаnѕраrеnt , rеlіаblе аnd highly еffісіеnt decentralized financial ѕеrvісеѕ with high роtеntіаl оf рrоfіtаbіlіtу. Blockchain tесhnоlоgу is a brеаkthrоugh tесhnоlоgу іn thе glоbаl fіnаnсіаl lаndѕсаре , іt іѕ a revolutionary tесhnоlоgу that will ѕеrvе the interest of the mаѕѕеѕ bеttеr. It оffеrѕ a vеrу secure, аnоnуmоuѕ , сhеареr аnd mоdеrn fіnаnсіаl ѕеrvісеѕ . In thіѕ рublісаtіоn, i wіll bе dіѕсuѕѕіng аbоut Stobox Platform which i dо believe everyone wіll find vеrу interesting . Stobox Platform offers соnѕultіng services and tесhnоlоgісаl tооlѕ tо fасіlіtаtе the gеnеrаl ореrаtіоnѕ оf dіgіtаl аѕѕеtѕ аnd tоkеnіzеd ѕесurіtіеѕ . Stоbоx рlаtfоrm hаѕ еmеrgеd tо rеѕhаре hоw buѕіnеѕѕ use tо be . It іѕ a рlаtfоrm opened fоr thе mаѕѕеѕ . Buѕіnеѕѕеѕ wаntіng positive trаnѕfоrmаtіоn into thеіr buѕіnеѕѕеѕ саn еаѕіlу іntеgrаtе Stоbоx рlаtfоrm ѕеrvісе.v

About Stоbоx Dіgіtаl Aѕѕеtѕ Platform

Stobox is a company whісh offers соnѕultіng ѕеrvісеѕ wіth vаrіоuѕ business tесhnоlоgісаl tools for buѕіnеѕѕеѕ whо wаnt tо іmрrоvе thеіr businesses .Stobox оffеrѕ ѕоlutіоn which hеlр buѕіnеѕѕеѕ in ассеlеrаtіng thеіr businesses dіgіtаllу . Stоbоx offers buѕіnеѕѕ ореrаtіоn dіgіtіzаtіоn and аlѕо оffеrѕ tоkеnіzеd securities. Stobox is a regulatory compliant platform , buѕіnеѕѕеѕ аnd сlіеntѕ whо wаntѕ tо uѕе thеіr ѕеrvісеѕ аrе guaranteed wіth rest of mіnd аnd ѕаfеtу bесаuѕе the platform іѕ іѕ rеgulаtеd аnd саn ѕаfеlу dеаl іn dіgіtаl аѕѕеtѕ, ѕесurіtу tоkеnѕ , рауmеnt tоkеnѕ аnd оthеr fоrm of digital services . Stobox оffеrѕ thе bеѕt ѕоlutіоn for buѕіnеѕѕеѕ . Having rесоgnіzеd bу іtѕ соmреtеnсе аnd ѕtаndаrd оf service rеndеrеd , thе company wаѕ аwаrdеd as thе ASSET TOKENIZATION OF THE YEAR іn thе аwаrd ceremony held bу AIBC Summit .. Stobox іѕ a соmраnу designed to сhаngе the way business as uѕuаl. It restructure buѕіnеѕѕеѕ ѕhаре , transforming buѕіnеѕѕеѕ dіgіtаllу іntо a mоdеrn version. It іѕѕuеѕ dіgіtаl assets аnd mаnаgе іt .on bеhаlf оf іtѕ сlіеntѕ. Among thе features оf Stobox рlаtfоrm will be explained bеlоw .
Aѕ stated earlier, Stоbоx оffеrѕ technology tools buѕіnеѕѕеѕ rеԛuіrеd fоr their dіgіtаl trаnѕfоrmаtіоn аnd also оffеr соnѕultіng services . It оffеrѕ соmрrеhеnѕіvе есоѕуѕtеm fоr tоkеnіzеd securities аnd buѕіnеѕѕ соnѕultіng services.. User fосuѕеѕ оn thеіr platform whіlе Stоbоx manage any digital related ѕеrvісеѕ ѕuсh as іѕѕuаnсе оf dіgіtаl assets, lеgаl mаnаgеmеnt , соnѕultіng ѕеrvісеѕ, аѕѕеt tоkеnіzаtіоn ,STO соnѕultіng and mаnу mоrе .

Outstanding Features оf Stobox Plаtfоrm

Digital Sесurіtіеѕ Swар

Stоbоx рlаtfоrm еnаblе users tо ѕwар thеіr tоkеnѕ . Uѕеrѕ саn ѕwар thеіr tоkеnѕ to аvаіlаblе listed tokens іn Stоbоx рlаtfоrm .

Dіgіtаl Sесurіtу Dashboard

It оffеrѕ a ѕоlutіоn whісh enable clients , buѕіnеѕѕеѕ , companies tо tokenize thеіr businesses , assets аnd raising funds , rеасhіng оut оt thе global investors аnd trading thеіr shares . All these digital ѕеrvісеѕ саn be соnduсtеd on Stоbоx Digital ѕесurіtіеѕ Dаѕhbоаrd.
Cоnѕultаnсу ѕеrvісе rеgаrdіng Tоkеnіzаtіоn : Buѕіnеѕѕеѕ wіllіng tо tokenize thеіr buѕіnеѕѕ саn еаѕіlу раrtnеr wіth Stobox ,thе company will оffеr all tесhnоlоgісаl tооlѕ requires tо digitize уоur buѕіnеѕѕ. It also ѕuрроrt іn соnnесtіng businesses tо legal expertise whеrе thе needs аrе rеԛuіrеd.

Lеgаl Mаnаgеmеnt

Stоbоx ѕuрроrtѕ businesses іn Lеgаl procedures rеԛuіrеѕ tоwаrdѕ іѕѕuіng аnd offering dіgіtаl аѕѕеtѕ.

NFT asset

Nоn Fungіblе Aѕѕеt (NFT) іѕ a nеw class оf assets thаt is bооmіng in DеFі ѕрасе. Stоbоx wіll provide thеѕе class оf asset to early adopters іn іtѕ рlаtfоrm .

Crурtо Exchange Sеrvісе

Stоbоx offers Crypto Swарріng рlаtfоrm аѕ wеll аѕ Crурtо Exсhаngе service wіth advance tесhnоlоgу thаt will enable uѕеrѕ to trаdе crypto assets ѕаfеlу аnd profitably.


Stobox іѕ a game сhаngіng Fіntесh company fосuѕеѕ оn rеvоlutіоnіzіng thе glоbаl buѕіnеѕѕеѕ dіgіtаllу. It offers a ѕоlutіоn whісh enable сlіеntѕ , businesses , соmраnіеѕ to tokenize thеіr buѕіnеѕѕеѕ , аѕѕеtѕ and raising funds , rеасhіng out оt thе glоbаl іnvеѕtоrѕ and trаdіng their ѕhаrеѕ . All thеѕе digital ѕеrvісеѕ саn bе соnduсtеd on Stоbоx Digital ѕесurіtіеѕ Dаѕhbоаrd. Stоbоx рlаtfоrm hаѕ еmеrgеd tо rеѕhаре hоw business uѕе to be . It is a рlаtfоrm ореnеd for the mаѕѕеѕ . Buѕіnеѕѕеѕ wаntіng positive transformation іntо thеіr businesses can easily іntеgrаtе Stоbоx рlаtfоrm . Stор the wаіtіng аnd bе раrt оf thіѕ ѕuссеѕѕful соmраnу.

Website: https://www.stobox.io/
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/stobox/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StoboxCompany
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StoboxCompany
Telegram: https://t.me/stobox_community
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMKnSJ4dkf0V1QLx5Bo2QTw

Bіtсоіntаlk username: yanyan84 
Bitcointalk lіnk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330

Senin, 17 Mei 2021

Stuff That Makes Project Safu Network Unique In Features

SaFu Network


SAFU Network is a decentralized record project with Charity program fused which is allowing customers induction to the direct credits, assurance contracts, pooled theories, and more for an autonomy from a futile way of life that license changing inefficient money into gainful money, yet does as such in a secured way. Safu network Charity program will help in engaging against destitution and help feeble class of people to make due, with this program, we intend to distribute 2% of Safu Network advantage to respectable aim program. Safu network has world's most secure computerized cash and Fiat Compatible wallet with all DEFI features.

What Is Safu Network?

SAFU NETWORK is a decentralized finance project with Charity program integrated which is allowing users access to the transparent loans, insurance contracts, pooled investments, and more for a financial freedom that allow not just turning inefficient money into efficient money, but does so in a safe way. Safu network Charity program will help in fighting again poverty and help vulnerable class of people to survive, with this program, we aim to allocate 2% of Safu Network profit to charity program. That is why SAFU is here for you.

SAFU Network has the world's safest cryptocurrency & Fiat Compatible wallet, a multi-function wallet containing a high-yield farming and static staking pool which helps you Store, send, receive, Buy, sell, swap and stake for passive income quickly and securely with all the advantages of a other wallets and centralized/decentralized exchange, but you are retaining complete control of your funds within Your SAFUWALLET by Saving your Seed phrase, you have control to your funds and with Safe Network, Funds are SAFU.

Cryptocurrency is a sort of money which uses progressed records as money. Ordinarily, the records are made using comparable methodologies as cryptography. Advanced monetary forms use 'decentralized control', which infers that they aren't obliged by one individual or government. This is assorted to 'concentrated' electronic money and public banks. The control of each computerized cash works through a scattered record or an overview of trades shared by everyone, typically a blockchain, that fills in as a public money related trade informational collection. #Bitcoin, first conveyed as open-source programming in 2009, is every now and again called the fundamental decentralized cryptographic cash.

The universe of decentralized record rotates around the blend of standard bank organizations with blockchain development. In the wake of blowing onto the scene in August 2018, the business has viably amassed a strong after and a value of more than $67.65 billion. Close to 30 of the best 100 cryptographic types of cash as of now situated by market cap similarly feature on the overview of DeFi projects. This number is likely going to keep going up as more monetary benefactors fill the market. On the off chance that you're restless to enter the market, or sink your ties further into it presently is the ideal chance.

Upcoming Feautures
  1. SafuWallet & SafuPay
  2. Dex
  3. Swap
  4. Liquidity
  5. Pool
  6. Charity
  7. Dice game
  • DECIMAL: 18
  • CONTACT ADRESS AT BINANCE SMART CHAIN (BSC): 0x3b529e373fa083a6e4f8d199a002ac4f7074f586

The world of decentralized financial centers revolves around the combination of traditional banking services with blockchain technology. After booming in August 2018, the industry has amassed a strong following and is worth more than $ 67.65 billion. Nearly 30 of the top 100 cryptocurrencies currently ranked by market capitalization are also on the list of DeFi projects. This number will likely continue to increase as more investors enter the market. If you are eager to enter the market or get deeper into the market, now is the time.


We created SAFU TOKEN (SAFU) an amazing Token build on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that is accessible and usable by everyone and, most importantly, the fiat conversion token through through different payment gateways. With SAFU TOKEN and our platform, you will generate passive income with all #DEFI features including but not limited to high-yield farming, static deposit pools, loose locks, and more that too.

Road Map:

More information:

Website : https://safunetwork.net/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/Safunetwork

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Safunetwork

Telegram : https://t.me/safunetwork

Medium : http://medium.com/@Safunetwork

DisCord : https://discord.gg/SDEr2SDnzN

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/Safunetwork1/

Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/u/safunetwork

Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5334706

SAFU NETWORK (Decentralized Financial Project and Multifunction Wallet)

Safu Network is a decentralized finance project with a Charity program integrated which is allowing users access to transparent loans, insurance contracts, pooled investments, and more for financial freedom that allow not just turning inefficient money into efficient money, but does so in a safe way. The Safu network Charity program will help in fighting against poverty and help the vulnerable class of people to survive, with this program, Safu Network aims to allocate 2% of Safu Network profit to charity programs. That is why Safu is here for you.

Why is the Safu Network is Different From its Competitors?

1-Well Established Network
In Safu network, they separated features where customer theory will return benefits, by trading just as in customer base, a couple of merchants will use Safu Network’s Token as a mean of portion after Safu Network’s Safu wallet is live and Safu Network will have Safu Pay elective where you will really need to use your Safu, in light of everything. Safu Network’s gathering of experts has been set up to administer, plan, advance, develop an assignment to ensure that customer assets and adventure are yielding and Guaranteed, not for the short-run yet rather for stable advantage on a drawn-out premise.

2-Proper Speculation from Safu
At Safu Network Safu Network mean to keep on showing you some Magic in what Safu Network does, Safu Network also plan to develop a phenomenal endeavor that every one of you will love and call his family to join ASAP, Safu Network will dispatch Safu Network’s direct anyway strong structure 1.0 of Safu Network’s Website with fundamental yet strong features ahead, don't relinquish us as Safu Network are conceding to give you what you need, it is because Safu Network understands that Good thing isn't done speed up yet requires critical speculation.

3-Safu’s Own Wallet
Safu Network has the world's most secure computerized money Fiat Compatible wallet, a multi-work wallet containing an exceptional yield developing and static checking pool which helps you Store, send, get, Buy, sell, exchange and stake for robotized income quickly and securely with all of the potential gains of alternate wallets and united/decentralized exchange, any way you are holding completed control of your resources inside Your Safu Wallet by Saving your Seed articulation, you have control to your resources and with Safe Network, Funds are SAFU.

Upcoming Features in Safu Network
  1. Safu Wallet & Safu Pay
  2. Dex
  3. swap
  4. Liquidity
  5. Pool
  6. Charity
  7. Dice game
Always Growing Tokenomics of Safu Network

Safu Network are sure that you will venerate Safu Network’s thing and Safu Network intend to keep your treasuring growing, Safu Network are in like manner going to dispatch Safu Network’s Presale to raise resources for every last one of that development, considering the way that without you Safu Network are nothing, yet together Safu Network can, Safu Network need to raise resources for developing an assignment that Everyone wished to be significant for, Safu Network endeavored all Safu Network’s best to use self-saves anyway it's an ideal chance to be helped by Safu Network’s monetary supporters, so Safu Network promise you to do all possible thing so your put money will return advantage in an amazingly short period of time for the people who need to make a short and low advantage and gigantic advantage for incredible monetary sponsor

Many experts see blockchain technology as having serious potential for uses like online voting and crowdfunding, and major financial institutions such as JPMorgan Chase (JPM) see the potential to lower transaction costs by streamlining payment processing.4 However, because cryptocurrencies are virtual and are not stored on a central database, a digital cryptocurrency balance can be wiped out by the loss or destruction of a hard drive if a backup copy of the private key does not exist. At the same time, there is no central authority, government, or corporation that has access to your funds or your personal information.

Website: https://www.safunetwork.net
Telegram: https://t.me/safunetwork
Tweet: https://twitter.com/Safunetwork
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Safunetwork
Discord: https://discord.gg/SDEr2SDnzN
Medium: https://medium.com/@Safunetwork
Plan Upcomings:https://safunetwork.net/upcoming.html


Bitcointalk Username: yanyan84
Telegram Username: @yanyan84
Wallet address (BEP20): 0x7A1A9a01Ef6723dEa38e23fD85F3CeD606af48e4

SAFU NETWORK I Decentralized Finance Project


As we are all aware; the cryptocurrency market has seen a lot of surges and descent which are tremendously inconsistent these past few days. The crypto market is about to evolve into something revolutionary but as things heat up, make no mistakes and ponder carefully on what you intend to do with your crypto assets investment.

Globally as to what has been said, a lot of pandemonium has been set around as to what crypto asset to invest in. Allow us to calm your puzzling mind by inviting you to the best #Charity #DEFI Project SAFU NETWORK. Be aware of other SAFU project which is out there with thousands of trillions of SAFU Token supply, our Unique and unbelievable SAFU NETWORK Token is only 15,000 Maximum supply and it is not yet tradable, nor transacted.


SAFU NETWORK is a decentralized finance project with Charity program integrated which is allowing users access to the transparent loans, insurance contracts, pooled investments, and more for a financial freedom that allow not just turning inefficient money into efficient money, but does so in a safe way. Safu network Charity program will help in fighting again poverty and help vulnerable class of people to survive, with this program, we aim to allocate 2% of Safu Network profit to charity program. That is why SAFU is here for you.

SAFU Network has the world's safest cryptocurrency & Fiat Compatible wallet, a multi-function wallet containing a high-yield farming and static staking pool which helps you Store, send, receive, Buy, sell, swap and stake for passive income quickly and securely with all the advantages of a other wallets and centralized/decentralized exchange, but you are retaining complete control of your funds within Your SAFUWALLET by Saving your Seed phrase, you have control to your funds and with Safe Network, Funds are SAFU.


- SafuWallet & SafuPay
- Dex
- Swap
- Liquidity
- Pool
- Charity
- Dice game

Some of Bitcoin and some other cryptocurrencies' weaknesses we can say:

Crippling slow transactions and accessibility loss.
Bitcoin transactions aren't as fast as they must be, BITCOIN is now higher in terms of cost which limit people to own it and This is one of the downsides that pushed us in SAFU NETWORK join the system and create a SAFU MULTIFUNCTION WALLET). A wallet with a very high Speed in transactions with payment freedom, transparency of information, high security, reduced risks to near zero risk for traders and investors, low transaction fee and more.


We have created SAFU TOKEN (SAFU) a Great Token build on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) accessible and usable by everyone and most importantly a Fiat convertible token through different payments gateways. With SAFU TOKEN and our platform, you will generate passive income with all #DEFI features include but not limited to high-yield farming, static staking pool, Liquidy locking and more.

CONTACT ADRESS AT BINANCE SMART CHAIN (BSC) : 0x3b529e373fa083a6e4f8d199a002ac4f7074f586


Bitcointalk Username: yanyan84
Telegram Username: @yanyan84
Wallet address (BEP20): 0x7A1A9a01Ef6723dEa38e23fD85F3CeD606af48e4

SAFU Network has the world’s safest cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency is a sort of money which uses progressed records as money. Ordinarily, the records are made using comparable methodologies as cryptography. Advanced monetary forms use 'decentralized control', which infers that they aren't obliged by one individual or government. This is assorted to 'concentrated' electronic money and public banks. The control of each computerized cash works through a scattered record or an overview of trades shared by everyone, typically a blockchain, that fills in as a public money related trade informational collection. #Bitcoin, first conveyed as open-source programming in 2009, is every now and again called the fundamental decentralized cryptographic cash.

The universe of decentralized record rotates around the blend of standard bank organizations with blockchain development. In the wake of blowing onto the scene in August 2018, the business has viably amassed a strong after and a value of more than $67.65 billion. Close to 30 of the best 100 cryptographic types of cash as of now situated by market cap similarly feature on the overview of DeFi projects. This number is likely going to keep going up as more monetary benefactors fill the market. On the off chance that you're restless to enter the market, or sink your ties further into it presently is the ideal chance.


SAFU Network is a decentralized record project with Charity program fused which is allowing customers induction to the direct credits, assurance contracts, pooled theories, and more for an autonomy from a futile way of life that license changing inefficient money into gainful money, yet does as such in a secured way. Safu network Charity program will help in engaging against destitution and help feeble class of people to make due, with this program, we intend to distribute 2% of Safu Network advantage to respectable aim program. Safu network has world's most secure computerized cash and Fiat Compatible wallet with all DEFI features.

Why Choose Us

In Safunetwork, we separated features where customer theory will return benefits, by trading just as in customer base, a couple of merchants will use our Token as a mean of portion after our Safuwallet is live and we will have SafuPay elective where you will really need to use your #SAFU, in light of everything. Our gathering of expert has been throughout set up to administer, plan, advance, develop an assignment to ensure that customer assets and adventure is yielding and Guaranteed, not for short-run yet rather for stable advantage on a drawn out premise.

At SAFU Network we mean to keep on showing you some Magic in what we do, we also plan to develop a phenomenal endeavor which every one of you will love and call his family to join ASAP, we will dispatch our direct anyway strong structure 1.0 of our Website with fundamental yet strong features ahead, don't relinquish us as we are conceding to give you what you need, it is because we understand that Good thing isn't done speed up yet requires critical speculation.

SAFU Network has the world's most secure computerized money Fiat Compatible wallet, a multi-work wallet containing an exceptional yield developing and static checking pool which helps you Store, send, get, Buy, sell, exchange and stake for robotized income quickly and securely with all of the potential gains of an alternate wallets and united/decentralized exchange, anyway you are holding completed control of your resources inside Your SAFUWALLET by Saving your Seed articulation, you have control to your resources and with Safe Network, Funds are SAFU.


We have made SAFU Token (SAFU) a Great Token develop the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) open and usable by everyone or more each of the a Fiat convertible token through different portions sections. With SAFU Token and our establishment, you will deliver simple income with all #DEFI features fuse yet not limited to exceptional yield developing, static stamping pool, Liquidy locking and that is just a glimpse of something larger.

Ticker : SAFU
Decimal : 18
Total Supply : 15,000 SAFU
SmartContract : 0x3b529e373fa083a6e4f8d199a002ac4f7074f586

We are sure that you will venerate our thing and we intend to keep your treasuring growing, we are in like manner going to dispatch our Presale to raise resources for every last one of those development, considering the way that without you we are nothing, yet together we can, we need to raise resources for developing an assignment that Everyone wished to be significant for, we endeavored all our best to use self-saves anyway it's an ideal chance to be helped by our monetary supporters, so we promise you to do all possible thing so your put money will return advantage in an amazingly short period of time for the people who need to make a short and low advantage and gigantic advantage for incredible monetary sponsor who comprehend what HOLDING in crypto is, we are endeavoring to do the going with:
Site structure 1.0 dispatch,
Posting on in any occasion 3–4 CEX following Presale, you can't actually acknowledge that this anyway stay tuned for the check and see wizardry.
Keep Massive promoting and progression to guarantee our undertaking is known around the world
To help the powerless class of people all through the planet by appointing 2% of Safu network advantage to this reason program
To develop our assignment to the main level we wish and guarantee your assets won't baffle anyone yet produce what you expect from us.
We will keep on doing divination to fulfill you.


Bitcointalk Username: yanyan84
Bitcointalk Profile Url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330
Telegram Username: @yanyan84
Wallet address (BEP20): 0x7A1A9a01Ef6723dEa38e23fD85F3CeD606af48e4

Safu Network Overview By Crypto Library


SAFU Network is a decentralized record project with Charity program fused which is allowing customers induction to the direct credits, assurance contracts, pooled theories, and more for an autonomy from a futile way of life that license changing inefficient money into gainful money, yet does as such in a secured way. Safu network Charity program will help in engaging against destitution and help feeble class of people to make due, with this program, we intend to distribute 2% of Safu Network advantage to respectable aim program. Safu network has world's most secure computerized cash and Fiat Compatible wallet with all DEFI features.

What Is Safu Network?

SAFU NETWORK is a decentralized finance project with Charity program integrated which is allowing users access to the transparent loans, insurance contracts, pooled investments, and more for a financial freedom that allow not just turning inefficient money into efficient money, but does so in a safe way. Safu network Charity program will help in fighting again poverty and help vulnerable class of people to survive, with this program, we aim to allocate 2% of Safu Network profit to charity program. That is why SAFU is here for you.

SAFU Network has the world's safest cryptocurrency & Fiat Compatible wallet, a multi-function wallet containing a high-yield farming and static staking pool which helps you Store, send, receive, Buy, sell, swap and stake for passive income quickly and securely with all the advantages of a other wallets and centralized/decentralized exchange, but you are retaining complete control of your funds within Your SAFUWALLET by Saving your Seed phrase, you have control to your funds and with Safe Network, Funds are SAFU.

Cryptocurrency is a sort of money which uses progressed records as money. Ordinarily, the records are made using comparable methodologies as cryptography. Advanced monetary forms use 'decentralized control', which infers that they aren't obliged by one individual or government. This is assorted to 'concentrated' electronic money and public banks. The control of each computerized cash works through a scattered record or an overview of trades shared by everyone, typically a blockchain, that fills in as a public money related trade informational collection. #Bitcoin, first conveyed as open-source programming in 2009, is every now and again called the fundamental decentralized cryptographic cash.

The universe of decentralized record rotates around the blend of standard bank organizations with blockchain development. In the wake of blowing onto the scene in August 2018, the business has viably amassed a strong after and a value of more than $67.65 billion. Close to 30 of the best 100 cryptographic types of cash as of now situated by market cap similarly feature on the overview of DeFi projects. This number is likely going to keep going up as more monetary benefactors fill the market. On the off chance that you're restless to enter the market, or sink your ties further into it presently is the ideal chance.

  • Upcoming Feautures
  • SafuWallet & SafuPay
  • Dex
  • Swap
  • Liquidity
  • Pool
  • Charity
  • Dice game
CONTACT ADRESS AT BINANCE SMART CHAIN (BSC): 0x3b529e373fa083a6e4f8d199a002ac4f7074f586


The world of decentralized financial centers revolves around the combination of traditional banking services with blockchain technology. After booming in August 2018, the industry has amassed a strong following and is worth more than $ 67.65 billion. Nearly 30 of the top 100 cryptocurrencies currently ranked by market capitalization are also on the list of DeFi projects. This number will likely continue to increase as more investors enter the market. If you are eager to enter the market or get deeper into the market, now is the time.


We created SAFU TOKEN (SAFU) an amazing Token build on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that is accessible and usable by everyone and, most importantly, the fiat conversion token through through different payment gateways. With SAFU TOKEN and our platform, you will generate passive income with all #DEFI features including but not limited to high-yield farming, static deposit pools, loose locks, and more that too.

Road Map:

More information:

Website : https://safunetwork.net/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Safunetwork
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Safunetwork
Telegram : https://t.me/safunetwork
Medium : http://medium.com/@Safunetwork
DisCord : https://discord.gg/SDEr2SDnzN
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/Safunetwork1/
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/u/safunetwork
Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5334706


Bitcointalk Username: yanyan84
Bitcointalk Profile Url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330
Telegram Username: @yanyan84
Wallet address (BEP20): 0x7A1A9a01Ef6723dEa38e23fD85F3CeD606af48e4


Was ist BSCTrust?

BSCTrust ist stolz darauf, seine Partnerschaft mit seinem ersten Lauchpad, bCharts, bekannt zu geben. bCharts ist eindeutig bereit, sein Token-Angebot im Mai zu starten. Genaues Datum, Uhrzeit und Details zu den Tokenomics werden in den kommenden Tagen bekannt gegeben.

bCharts ist ein analytisches, computergestütztes Visualisierungs-Toolkit, das Devisenhändlern eine dezentrale Analyse des Börsenhandels ermöglicht. Dieses Software-Tool erstellt interaktive Preisdiagramme für verschiedene Währungspaare sowie verschiedene technische Indikatoren und Überlagerungen, mit denen Händler Live-Marktbewegungen verfolgen und Trendlinien erkennen können, um die Muster in den Handelsdaten zu bewerten.

In der modernen Welt der dezentralen Finanzen und Börsen ist die Fähigkeit, die Muster in Handelsdaten zu bewerten, ein wesentlicher Teil des Erfolgs eines Händlers, insbesondere derjenigen, die häufig handeln. bCharts zielt darauf ab, Lösungen für zwei Hauptnachteile bestehender Diagrammtools bereitzustellen, die das Binance Smart Chain-Netzwerk unterstützen.


Der Markt bewegt sich so schnell, dass die Informationen einiger dieser Tools einige Minuten zurückbleiben. Wenn Sie eine Entscheidung treffen, ist es mit Sicherheit zu spät.


Die wenigen Tools, die Echtzeitdaten bereitstellen, verlangen, dass Benutzer entweder ihr Token kaufen oder eine Abonnementgebühr zahlen, bevor sie Zugriff auf ihre Daten erhalten.

bCharts bietet täglich einen Standard- und Hauptkern von Handelsinformationen und verfügt über einige Funktionen, die ihm einen Vorteil gegenüber seinen Mitbewerbern verschaffen:

bezieht Liquidität aus verschiedenen DEXs und bietet den Benutzern somit bessere Token-Swap-Raten, als sie mit einem einzelnen DEX erzielen könnten.


Mit den externen APIs von bChart können Händler einzigartige Handelsstrategien für maximale Rentabilität erstellen.


Folgen Sie den besten Paaren mit Echtzeit-Grafiken und -Transaktionen durch dieses Tool, fügen Sie Ihre Paare zu Favoriten hinzu und vieles mehr.

Informationen zu Tokenomic BSCTrust
BSCTrust ist ein reibungsloses Ertragsprotokoll, mit dem Inhaber Belohnungen aus jeder Transaktion im Ökosystem sammeln und diese auf einzigartige Weise mit dem dezentralen Launchpad-System und mehr kombinieren können. Dies ist eine der Einzigartigkeiten der dezentralen BSCTrust-Plattform. Denn für jeden, der daran beteiligt ist, haben sie automatisch Anspruch auf zusätzliche BSCTrust-Preise von ihrer Plattform.

Gesamtangebot: 2 Millionen BSCTRUST
Die Gebühr von 3% wird bei jeder Transaktion an alle Inhaber verteilt.
Die Gebühr von 3% beim Verkauf wird dauerhaft dem Liquiditätspool hinzugefügt

Token-Name: BSCTrust

Gesamtangebot: 2.000.000 BSCTrust-
Inhaber: 276 Adressen
Vertrag: 0x0684ffcc67792c50fdc303813c7b0c00d6aa6b99

Dezimalstellen: 18

Binance Smart Chain Launchpad

BSCLOCK.io (Liquiditäts- und Team-Token-Schlüssel für BSC)


BSCTrust arbeitet mit Bricksestate zusammen

Roadmap BSCTrust
24. April 2021
Enthüllung unseres ersten Launchpads
7. Mai 2021
BSCLOCK.io (gestartet und vollständig geprüft)
Liquiditäts- und Team-Token-Key-Plattform für die Binance Smart Chain
14. Mai 2021
2. LaunchPad
Enthüllung unseres zweiten LaunchPad
29. Mai 2021 - bald kommen


BSCTrust ist eine IDO-Plattform für die Binance Smart Chain. Mit BSCTrust erhalten Sie erstklassigen Zugang zu hochwertigen Edelsteinen mit niedriger Obergrenze + kostenlosem NFT für Top-Staker. Also, worauf wartest Du? Die Gelegenheit liegt direkt vor Ihnen und beeilen Sie sich und nehmen Sie an diesem großartigen Projekt teil.

Weitere Informationen zur BSCTrust-Plattform

Website: https://bsctrust.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bsctrust_fin
Telegramm: https://t.me/BSCTrust
Ankündigungskanal: https://t.me/bsctrustannouncement


Forum Benutzername: yanyan84
Forum Profil Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330
Telegramm-Benutzername: @yanyan84
BSC Wallet Adresse: 0x7A1A9a01Ef6723dEa38e23fD85F3CeD606af48e4

BSCTrust is a unique platform, multifunctional

The digital currency world has been active with regard to finding secure and better means of raising funds for projects.

A few years back, initial coin offerings (ICOs), were used by project developers to raise capital to actualize their projects. This brings hope for investors as these newly created coins would quickly rise in price whenever they are listed on a crypto exchange.

The publicity was so high then that many projects were able to raise huge sums of money. EOS was able to raise over 4 billion USD in their ICO then. Like all that turns out to be too advertised, the ICO burst. A couple of months later, initial exchange offerings (IEOs) force their way into the crypto world.

Besides the raising of capital, projects also profited from IEOs by getting their tokens listed on the exchange, who oversee their token sale. Elrond, Band protocol, WazirX, to mention but a few were examples of projects that benefited from IEO.

By and large, in 2021, a new means of fundraising rather than the outdated one have emerged, it is called Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs). BSCTRUST is a practical example of an IDO platform.


BSCTrust is an IDO platform developed on BSC. The platform allowed project developers to raise capital to support their projects, while also providing investors access to verified, secured and reliable projects to invest in.

In the crypto space, investors have lost billions of dollars to fake projects during the ICOs, they were unable to differentiate between real and fake projects, most of them now fall victim to scam projects in their quest to invest early in a low-cap project. As a result of this, BSCTrust intends to tackle this issue by granting its holders total access to invest early on secured and reliable low-cap projects.

Project developers paid service fees to raise capital to support their projects after the proposed projects have passed the requirements. Part of the fees charged will be utilized to repurchase BSCTrust and the rest will be put into the project's development. Besides, tokens repurchased will be share as rewards among stakers.


BSCLOCK checks scams by showing the public which project has its liquidity locked on our platform, before an investor could put his money on the project, investors check our platform to confirm whether the project's liquidity is locked, or not. They can choose not to invest if the liquidity was not locked because the liquidity can be pulled out at any time.

Also, every one of our Launchpads is fully vested, we've been vesting our first Launchpad even before we released BSCTRUST. Just because we don't do KYC for our users, doesn't mean we wouldn't do it for our Launchpads.

  • Token Name: BSCTRUST
  • Ticker: BSCTrust
  • Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
  • Total Supply: 2Million BSCTrust

  • Binance Smart Chain project
  • bCharts
  • Bricks Estate

Due to the ineffective of ICO, IEO and the high rate of scam projects publicly advertise daily, targeting innocent investors, BSCTRUST intends to take care of this issue by granting its holders total access to invest early in verified, secured and reliable low-cap projects.

For more information About the BSCTrust Platform

Website: https://bsctrust.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bsctrust_fin
Telegram: https://t.me/BSCTrust
Announcement channel: https://t.me/bsctrustannouncement


Bitcointalk username: yanyan84
Bitcointalk link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330
Telegram Username: @yanyan84
BSC Address: 

BSCTrust is a Decentralized IDO platform built using the Binance Smart Chain


BSCTrust is a unique platform, multifunctional, transparent and very worthy to be invested in the long term. The BSCtrust platform provides a variety of feature services that are easy to access by anyone. so, to know more details about this project, then I directly discuss it below.

About BSCTrust?

So, I can say that BSCTrust is a Decentralized IDO platform built using the BSC Blockchain or Binance Smart Chain. Apart from that, this platform has some unique features which other platforms rarely have, especially with BSCTrust, you can get early priority access to low-quality Gems + Free NFT to top Stakers. The BSCTrust Platform is run by a third party, so that anyone including you can access or use this Platform at your own risk. for example: if you bet money on the BSCTrust platform then you can also get a real return on investment. The BSCTrust platform provides a variety of services that are environmentally friendly and easily accessible to anyone involved. this platform is very multifunctional bro,

How does the BSCTrust system work?

As we all know, that In decentralized finance or cryptoqurrency industry space, Investors fall victim to tapestries or various types of scams, which makes it a daunting task in finding solid low-capacity gems to invest in early. Therefore, BSCTrust aims to solve this problem by providing guaranteed access to its holders to invest early in low-cap gems with high potential on the Binance Smart Chain network.

About Tokenomic BSCTrust

BSCTrust is a frictionless yield protocol that allows holders to collect rewards from every transaction that takes place in the ecosystem, also uniquely combines them with the Decentralized Launchpad system and more. and this is one of the uniqueness possessed by the BSCTrust Decentralized platform. because for anyone who is involved in it then automatically they are also entitled to additional BSCTrust prizes from their platform.

About BricksEstate

BricksEstate is a community blockchain project that will allow investors access to a variety of real estates and properties owning full or parts of these assets through fractional ownership and be part of the ever-growing real estate industry. .,BricksEstate aims to offer clients a verifiable record of property data that would allow the parties to complete a deal who generally don’t know each other and to trust that the seller actually has true ownership of that property through both the blockchain immutable ledger and utilisation of NFT ownership certificates.

These powerful tools will allow all parties involved in a domestic or international transfer of property to see without any question or doubt that there are not any claims against the title of that property outside of the current purchase. ,Having an undisputed history of record is incredibly important, and while this may be possible without this technology, using blockchain can help make the process more efficient and secure than processes currently in place today.

  • Total supply: 2 Million BSCTRUST
  • The 3% fee is distributed to all holders on every transaction
  • The 3% fee when selling is permanently added to the liquidity pool
Token Name: BSCTrust
Total Supply: 2,000,000 BSCTrust
Holders: 276 addresses
Contract: 0x0684ffcc67792c50fdc303813c7b0c00d6aa6b99

Decimals: 18


Binance Smart Chain Launchpad

BSCLOCK.io (Liquidity and Team TOken keys for BSC)

NFT prizes

BSCTrust Partners With Bricksestate

THAPRIL 24th ,2021


● Revealing Our First Launchpad

May 7th, 2021

● BSCLOCK.io (Launched & Fully Audited)

● Liquidity and Team Token Key Platform for the Binance Smart Chain

May 14th, 2021

● 2nd LaunchPad

● Revealing our Second LaunchPad

May 29th, 2021 — comming soon


BSCTrust is an IDO platform on the Binance Smart Chain. With BSCTrust, you get initial priority access to quality low cap Gems + Free NFT to top Stakers. So what are you waiting for? the opportunity is right in front of you and hurry up and be part of this great project.

For more information

Website: https://bsctrust.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bsctrust_fin
Telegram: https://t.me/BSCTrust
Announcement channel: https://t.me/bsctrustannouncement


Bitcointalk username: yanyan84
Bitcointalk link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330
Telegram Username: @yanyan84
BSC Address: 

TALETE KODE - 'n DeFi Finansiële Diens Innovasie wat gebruikers beloon met 'n volhoubare, saamgestelde rente model

INLEIDING Tans beweeg tradisionele finansiële markte om gedesentraliseerd te word. Dit is omdat deursigtigheid een van die belangrike faktor...