Rabu, 23 Maret 2022

SOREX ist eine automatisierte Brokerage-App, die von künstlicher Intelligenz zur Entwicklung nachhaltiger digitaler Vermögenswerte verwaltet wird


Kryptowährung oder Krypto-Asset ist ein digitales Asset, das ein Online-Ledger mit starker Kryptografie verwendet, um Online-Transaktionen zu sichern. Krypto-Assets funktionieren mit einer Technologie namens Blockchain. Blockchain ist eine dezentrale Technologie, die Transaktionen von Krypto-Assets verwaltet und aufzeichnet. Ein Teil der Attraktivität der Blockchain-Technologie liegt in ihrem Sicherheitsniveau. Dies deutet sicherlich darauf hin, dass immer mehr Unternehmen oder Projekte Krypto-Asset-Token oder Coins herstellen, zusammen mit der steigenden Zahl von Benutzern, die in Krypto-Assets investieren. Daher wächst die Kryptowährung weiter, unter anderem durch die Einreichung von Finanzmitteln über ein Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Inzwischen ist der Krypto-Handel eine Transaktionsaktivität, bei der Krypto-Assets verwendet werden. Beispielsweise der Austausch von Krypto-Assets mit anderen Krypto-Assets, der Verkauf oder Kauf von Krypto-Assets mit dem Ziel, einen Gewinn zu erzielen. Um Krypto-Assets handeln zu können, müssen Sie ein Konto auf der Börsenplattform erstellen und einige Krypto-Assets in Ihrer Brieftasche speichern. Wallets eignen sich perfekt zum Speichern verschiedener Krypto-Assets, die Sie aufgrund von Transaktionen oder Krypto-Asset-Handel haben, die Sie durchgeführt haben. In seiner Entwicklung erfordert der Handel tiefes Wissen, einige Händler verwenden Makler oder Makler sind Einzelpersonen oder Unternehmen, die als Vermittler für den Kauf und Verkauf digitaler Vermögenswerte auf dem Handelsmarkt fungieren. Broker arbeiten in der Regel für ein Unternehmen, das Kauf- und Verkaufsaktivitäten durchführt und in Übereinstimmung mit der Börsenethik arbeitet. Unternehmen, die den Kauf und Verkauf digitaler Vermögenswerte durchführen, werden als Maklerunternehmen bezeichnet. SOREX ist eine KI-verwaltete automatisierte Brokerage-App, die mathematisch extrapolierte Polynome mit einem vortrainierten neuronalen Netzwerk zur Zeitreihenvorhersage kombiniert, um die Entwicklung der Top-300-Kryptowährungen genau vorherzusagen und automatisch für Sie zu investieren. Sorex hat ein Utility Token in seinem Ökosystem, SRX, das ein Multichain-Token auf 4 Blockchains gleichzeitig ist: Ethereum (FTM), Binance Smart Chain (BNB), Avalanche (AVAX) und Fantom (FTM).


Sorex ist ein DEFI-Projekt der nächsten Generation, das es Benutzern ermöglicht, ihre Krypto-Assets auf einfache und sichere Weise zu verwalten, zu handeln und einzusetzen. Es enthält Schlüsselfunktionen wie eine Benutzer-Wallet, eine Geldbörse mit mehreren Währungen, die verschiedene ERC20-Token unterstützt, und eine Börse, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, Krypto-Assets zu handeln.
Sorex Exchange ist eine vollwertige Börse, die Krypto-zu-Krypto-Handel in Echtzeit anbietet. Darüber hinaus bietet die Börse sowohl Krypto-zu-USD- als auch USD-zu-Krypto-Handelspaare an.

Eine Plattform, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, gleichzeitig in mehrere Kryptowährungen zu investieren. Benutzer können für jedes ihrer Vermögenswerte in Sorex ihre eigene Wette festlegen und auch entscheiden, ob sie darauf wetten möchten oder nicht. Es investiert automatisch das Geld des Benutzers in die Münzauswahl, basierend auf den gewünschten Einstellungen des Benutzers.

Sorex schafft mehrere Einnahmequellen aus verschiedenen Blockchain-Assets und bietet die Möglichkeit, alle Coins an einem Ort zu staken.


Sorex wird es den Benutzern ermöglichen, in verschiedene Krypto-Assets zu investieren und für ihre Bestände belohnt zu werden. Wir sind bestrebt, die sicherste, transparenteste und wettbewerbsfähigste Investitionsplattform in der Blockchain-Branche aufzubauen.


Sorex ist ein DEFI-Projekt, das es Ihnen ermöglicht, in zahlreiche Krypto-Assets zu investieren und diese mit anderen Benutzern auf unserer Börse auszutauschen. Sie können Ihre Münzen einsetzen und mehr verdienen, während Sie Ihre Münzen sicher in unserer sicheren Brieftasche aufbewahren. Wir bieten auch ein Empfehlungsprogramm an, bei dem Sie davon profitieren können, neue Mitglieder auf die Plattform einzuladen.

Sorex ist eine Plattform mit eigener Blockchain, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, durch die Verwendung von Smart Contracts zu investieren und Belohnungen zu verdienen. Der Hauptvorteil einer Investition in Sorex besteht darin, dass es von Personen genutzt werden kann, die keine Erfahrung mit Kryptowährungen oder Programmierkenntnisse haben, aber bereit sind, mit ihrer Investition Geld zu verdienen!


Sorex ist eine Smart-Contracts-fähige Plattform, die Investoren durch die Nutzung digitaler Assets einen zentralen Einstiegspunkt in mehrere Blockchains bietet.

Es zielt darauf ab, den Wert von Krypto-Assets für die Teilnehmer zu maximieren, indem es ein autonomes, profitables und sich selbst erhaltendes Ökosystem anbietet.

Sorex bietet sichere Investitionen, indem es tägliche Renditen auf Benutzereinlagen und finanziellen Schutz durch Cold Storage von Geldern bietet. SOREX-Token-Inhaber erhalten außerdem Vorteile wie Stimmrechte, Empfehlungsprämien, Zugang zu Premium-Diensten, kostenlosen Token-Tausch und mehr.

Sorex ist ein ERC20-Token, das auf der Ethereum-Blockchain als Multi-Chain-Investment- und Auto-Staking-Plattform entwickelt wurde. Es ermöglicht schnellere Transaktionen und niedrigere Gebühren und stellt sicher, dass Sie das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis erhalten. Sorex wird an mehreren Börsen verfügbar sein, sodass Sie Ihre Token jederzeit handeln oder einsetzen können.

Wie die PLÄNE funktionieren?

Wenn Sie sich für einen der angebotenen PLANS entscheiden, investieren Sie Ressourcen in den Austausch im Lichte der künstlichen Intelligenz in Kombination mit dem neuronalen Netzwerk. Diese Sehne ermöglicht es uns, einen stabilen ROI in langer Reichweite zu halten.

  • SOREX wird SRX Token am 21.04.2022 an 4 bedeutenden Blockchains gleichzeitig versenden – ETH, BSC, AVAX und FTM
  • Komplettversorgung – 1.500.000 SRX
  • Blockchains – ETH, BSC, AVAX, FTM
  • Einführung des SRX-Tokens – 21.04.2022
  • SRX-Listenpreis – 1,00 $
  • Doppelte Optionen — 28.02.2022
  • Venture-Programm „PLANS“ — 28.02.2022
  • SRX Pre-send off Staking — 03.03.2022
  • NFT-Darlehen — 10.03.2022


  • Erick Chow: Gründer / Leitender Entwickler
  • Hugo Danielsson: Blockchain-Experte / Web3-Entwickler
  • Kim Hee Sung: KI-Ingenieur / PLANS-Entwickler
  • Zack Heath: Spezialist für Cybersicherheit
  • Chen Ping: „NFT-Darlehen“-Entwickler
  • Jarmal Reynolds: PR-Spezialist
  • Maria Fe Morralos: Marketingleiterin


  • Start der SOREX.IO Invest-Plattform
  • Binäre Optionen starten
  • Start von Invest PLÄNEN
  • Pre-Launch-Marketing
  • SRX Initial Token Offering
  • Staking vor dem Start
  • SRX-Token-Start
  • Auflistung auf Coinmarketcap
  • Auflistung auf Coingecko
  • SOREX.IO Treasury-Launch
  • Start des xSRX-Tokens
  • Vollständiger Übergang zum dezentralen Modell
  • Vorverkauf und ITO-Plattform
  • Massive Marketingkampagne
  • Strategische Partnerschaft
  • Annahme des SRX-Tokens für CEX
  • CEX-Auflistung

Sorex ist eine Multi-Chain-Investment- und Auto-Staking-Plattform, die auf der Sorex-Kette aufbaut. Es bietet die folgenden Dienste: - Eine Multi-Chain-Investition, Auto-Staking, Daten und ein Betriebssystem.

Sorex.io ist eine revolutionäre Plattform, mit der Sie Ihre Krypto-Assets einfach, sicher und transparent verwalten können. Es ist eine intelligente Lösung, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, alle Ihre Krypto-Geldbörsen in einer benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche zu verbinden und gleichzeitig das beste Maß an Sicherheit zu bieten.

Nützliche Projektlinks:
#Sorex #sorexIO #srx #investmen #staking #eth #bsc #crypto #Giveaway


Bitcointalk Unsername: yanyan84
Bitcointalk-Profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330
Telegramm Unsername : @yanyan84
ERC-20-Adresse: 0x9eC14DdC2F642a41afe33923839f814379a7025e

Rabu, 16 Maret 2022

Oilz Finance Project Review


Oilz Finance Is the best token in the cryptocurrency world. For a long time this token has occupied its place in the market. The market value of this token is at a very high level and has fallen a bit for now, although it is still very important. The price of any token in the market is unstable and the price of this token fluctuates. However, this Token is very popular. The token is a favorite of many big Oilz Finance investors. This token is great because cryptocurrencies have run this token in the market since its inception. Everyone thinks that this token will skyrocket later In real life there is such a thing as correspondence and real Oilz Finance For Logic this is a logical consequence of the lifestyle Let it saturate.I really like the concept of this project, great idea with a strong team- We will support this project.


Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency. created using the same method as cryptography (the science of hiding information). Cryptocurrencies use 'decentralized control', which means they are not controlled by a single person or government.

It differs from 'centralized' electronic money and central banks. The control of each cryptocurrency works through a distributed ledger (a list of transactions shared by all), usually a blockchain, which functions as a database of public financial transactions. #Bitcoin, first released as open source software in 2009, is often referred to as the first decentralized cryptocurrency.

Since then, more than 5,000 cryptocurrencies (sometimes called 'altcoins', which are short for alternative currencies) have been created.

In most cases, cryptocurrency can not be converted to real currency; it is only possible to convert it to another cryptocurrency, or use it to buy something.

Fixed strike APY

Oilz.Finance transforms DeFi space through its unique Oilz Auto-Strike protocol (OAP) that delivers the industry's highest fixed APY up to 498,249%, and rebases rewards directly into your wallet every 15 minutes

Using the simple buy-hold-earn system and a sustainable fixed compound interest model, Oilz. Finance grows your tokens quickly and easily without slipping your assets out of your wallet

White Paper Audit

"All OilZ holders are rewarded with automatic compound interest paid every 15 minutes"

How much can I earn?
  • At the end of the year and invested with $ 1,000 USD of $ OILZ.
  • You can earn up to 498 249 000 USD of $ OILZ at 498,249% APY 
  • Earnings are calculated in a scenario where the SAP sustains the base rate for 365 days.
  • Launch OILZ App
  • OilZ Auto Strike
  • Protocol (OAP) attributes
  • $ OILZ Token
$ OILZ is the native sign that pays interest rate reduction rewards. Each token holder automatically receives 0.0243% interest every 15 minutes just because they keep $ OILZ tokens in their own wallet!

OILZ Insurance Fund Valuation (IFV)

4% of all trading fees are stored in the Oilz.Finance Insurance Fund which helps maintain and support the input rewards by maintaining price stability and significantly reducing downward risk

OILZ Treasury

The treasury acts as additional financial support for the IFV in the event of an extreme price drop of the $ OILZ sign or unforeseen black swan event.

It helps to set a floor value for the $ OILZ token. Oilz Treasury provides financing for the new OilZ.Finance products, projects and marketing activities

The Defenders

3% of all $ OILZ traded is burned in The Defenders.

The more it is traded, the more it is thrown into the fire which causes the fire pit to grow in size, bigger and bigger through self-fulfilling Auto-Compounding, which reduces the circulating supply and keeps the OilZ protocol stable.

Burn token stock to:
  • Prevent outstanding stock from getting out of control and becoming out of control.
  • Offsetting positive base rate pressures.

How it works

3% of all $OILZ traded burned on The Defenders

The more it is traded, the more it is thrown into the fire causing the fire pit to get bigger, bigger through self-fulfilling Auto-Compounding, which reduces circulating supply and keeps the OilZ protocol stable.


Q1 2021
  • Technology consulting
  • Business Model
  • Documentation development (website, whitepaper, gitbook)
  • Build Phase — Smart Contract
  • Build Phase — dApp V1 Dashboard
  • Deployment Phase — Smart Contract — Testnet
  • Smart Contract Audit
  • Deployment Phase — Smart Contract Deployment — Mainnet
  • Deployment Phase — dApp V1 Dashboard
  • New Partnerships Announcement
  • Awareness + Bounty Campaigns
Q2 2022
  • Fair Launch on Pancakeswap
  • Unicrypt Liquidity Locked 10 years
  • Unicrypt Token Vesting
  • Pre-Launch Marketing Coingecko Listing
  • Coinmarketcap Listing
  • Coin Trackers Listing
  • DappRadar Listing
  • Development Mobile Application iOS and Android
  • OilZ.Finance Project
Q3 2022
  • Dashboard V2
  • Partnership DeFi
  • Cross-Chain Integration
  • OILZ Merchandising
  • Launch Alpha Version Mobile Application iOS and Android
Q4 2022
  • NFT Collections
  • NFT O.A.P. Project
#OILZFINANCE #autostaking #autocompounding #Crypto #investments #investor #moneychallenge #defiyield #Definews #DeFiProject #BSC #DeFi


Undoubtedly Oilz Finance_Token A quality and beautiful project. The project will take a much better stage on the initiative of all experienced team members. This will certainly be a successful project as it has a great team that is more than qualified and focused on making this project a success. I have no doubts about this project and it is sure to be a great success. I am actively following project news and I really like the team communication format. Everyone has an obligation to get involved in this project because falling behind on a good quality project like this is just bullshit.

For information :

Forum Username: yanyan84
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330
Telegram Username: @yanyan84
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x7A1A9a01Ef6723dEa38e23fD85F3CeD606af48e4

VMetre Provides a very easy service for customers

Project Overview

Basically, biodata features various insights regarding an individual, for example, name, age, shading, tallness, abilities, leisure activities, sensitivities and so on Periodically, this fills in as a rule for assessing or evaluating the person being referred to. Generally speaking, a biodata is utilized for profiling a person. contact data implies any data that can be utilized to contact a proprietor, including the proprietor's name, address, phone number, email address, or client character on any electronic systems administration. ... contact data implies phone number or web address. The contact data is the absolute most significant segment on your resume. Why? Because regardless of whether you're the top individual on the planet, it won't make any difference much in the event that the recruiting chief can't get in touch with you! Jokes to the side, sure, contact data isn't that difficult to screw up.

What is VMetre?

VMetre is a Russia-based company primarily focused on displaying individual biodata and contact information providing a wide range of services that can meet the needs and preferences of many internet users around the world. V Meter is unique in that it has the ability to determine the geographic location of the specialist providing the required service. This is phenomenal because there is no need to call the service directory to connect you with the service provider, everything will be done automatically with the V Meter tracking tool. The specialist needed is just one meter away from the service seeker. V Meter also has its own unique token called VM Token. These tokens can be obtained by completing registration on the Vmetre website, filling out a profile, or engaging in a referral program. Otherwise, VM Tokens can be obtained from both centralized and decentralized exchanges which we will see below. Immediately after registering on the V Metre site, the registrant automatically becomes an investor and has the ability to sell tokens on a real money exchange.
V Metre handles countless administrations for guides that make it possible to get all your needs and needs every day from a single site.

This is amazing on the grounds that there will be no need of calling a help registry to interface you with a specialist organization, everything would be done consequently with Vmetre's following devices. A required expert can simply be a meter away from the assistance searcher. Vmetre additionally has its own extraordinary token called VM Token (Vmetre). This token can be gained by finishing an enlistment in Vmetre's site, finishing up a profile or taking part in reference programs.

Vmetre handles such countless administrations to the direct that it's conceivable toward get all your day by day and necessities from the single site. A few regions the enrolled experts cover incorporates: Bookkeeping Administrations: Report arrangements, Creature Administrations: Pet Hair style, Argon welding, Excellence: Eyebrow remedy, hair shading, Nail trim, men's hair style and pedicure, with respect to business benefits, the group included, Exchanging Unfamiliar trade, Exchanging on Russian Stock trade. As to Cargoes, the group has included: Vehicle Transporters, Freight transportation. For vehicle fix, you have auto electric, Body fix, vehicle painting, Vehicle Clearings, Motor Fixes and Vehicle overhauling. Calculating in the Development Organization, which has one with the most elevated registrants on Vmetre's site, the field incorporates: Development of Private Houses, Development different administrations, Painting and Mortar, Parquetry, Plumbing, Tile Laying and Messenger Administrations and so on This rundowns continues endlessly and on to incorporate, Conveyance Administrations, Planning, Instruction, Electric curve welding, Occasions and occasions, Family benefits, Photograph Administrations and Fix, establishment of apparatus, SMM/Web-based Media Showcasing, Fitting to request and Mentors. Every one of the last option fragments have their individual specialties which can be found in the Vmetre.pro official site.

VM Token and Trading Post

The VM token (VMetre) is the internal token of the VMetre.pro service for locating services and people. As previously disclosed, the Vmetre environment has an extraordinary token called a VM token. The token is used to make installments for administration. It can also be used as an internal tool for assessing and advancing client administration in administration. The tokens can also be used for speculative purposes. As it has been recorded in two trades as of this documentation hour, the VM token has been recorded in two trades, the Pancakeswap stock trade and Coinsbit. It is a separate decentralized and concentrated trading. Tokens are issued for registering on the service as a reward. It serves as cashback for the implementation of Secure Transactions between service customers and service providers. Tokens are used as rewards for affiliate referral programs. Everyone can register on the service - get a referral link and invite friends and acquaintances and get 20 tokens for them. Also, the tokens will be used in the future as a marketing tool to promote their services on the service. You can place advertisements about services on our website or on the VMetre mobile app for free. The VMetre project allows users to find the nearest contractor for the services they need. The search occurs mainly on the map, where you can immediately see photos, prices and artist ratings. For convenience, players can be bookmarked. For reliable use of the service, users can work through internal Risk Free Transactions, where the service acts as a guarantor.

VM tokens and Exchange lists

As previously stated, the Vmetre ecosystem has its own unique token called VM token. Tokens are used to make in-service payments. It can also be used as an internal marketing tool to assess and promote user services within the service. The tokens can also be used for speculative purposes. Having been listed on two exchanges at the time this documentation was created, the VM token is already listed on two exchanges, the Pancakeswap stock exchange and Coinsbit. These are decentralized and centralized exchanges respectively.


You must know financial matters of the tokens and how they will use the assets.
  • Project Name: Vmetre
  • Token Name: VM Token
  • Token Ticker: VM
  • Binance Chain Contract Address 0xeDA2E97F347C1C4964C3De712a992A38cAa5cf64

This is an extraordinary task that will stop in Russia and will also cross the whole of Europe and the rest of the world. Center colleagues are visionary individuals who have envisioned and set the stage where people independent of their geological area can step in and become trained professionals or clients. Think of Vmetre as a hub that connects subject matter experts and buyers in computerized design. Soon almost every aspect of life will face the light of computerization and the anger that Vmetre brings will spread abroad. You can register and buy latently or even effectively as a trained Professional, Referral promotion campaigner to determine a partner. This is a phenomenal task with a sensible group of visionaries. Get involved today!

#vmetre #vmetrepro #VM #bsc #Influencer #Giveaway #aladdincenter #bountycampaign

For more info:
Proof Of Author

Bitcointalk Username: yanyan84

Telegram Username: @yanyan84

VM Wallet Address: 0x43bfdc914Ad353c54C41918F9524fafE1F3b8500

Minggu, 13 Maret 2022

PDX: To enable merchants, shops and other service providers globally to accept payments in cryptocurrencies

Before I make an article about the PDX platform I will try to explain about cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrency or crypto is a virtual currency that is guaranteed by cryptography. Meanwhile, another definition of crypto currency is a currency that is used to transact one person with another online.
 Since it started booming, crypto has received a lot of responses from various groups ranging from ordinary people to experts to give their opinions. Among the opinions of many people, of course, there are pros and cons. Those who are pros with cryptocurrencies think that crypto money: - It is universal, meaning that the whole world knows and uses this currency. - There are no special requirements to own it, unlike the banking system, which has special requirements for each customer. - The transaction system is fast. Transactions in cryptocurrency can be said to be fast, only about a few minutes to an hour. Compared to transactions made between international banks which require more than a day. - Clear transparency. Every crypto owner can see the transactions he has done. All transactions are presented in numbers, which means you can't know who the transaction was made by, but you can know the number of transactions made. - Can be controlled by yourself. The last advantage that crypto money has is that all responsibility for the money belongs to each individual. Crypto users also have the power to manage their cryptocurrency and are responsible for it. To carry out crypto transactions requires a means of support, PDX is a digital currency that is at the core of a powerful new banking and financial services ecosystem.
  • It is based on unlicensed and encrypted peer-to-peer (no intermediary) money and global payments.
  • Coin holders will be able to make payments and transfers anonymously, instantly anywhere in the world, and in the metaverse.
  • Data will be stored on an immutable blockchain, making it indestructible, anti-theft and anonymous.
  • PDX virtual banking, exchange. and payment processing capabilities will complement each other and build massive user adoption in the consumer and commercial world.
  • PDX is set to disrupt the global payment processing industry and the way consumer and business banking is conducted between crypto and fiat currencies.


This line is seems to new for few crypto investors also all others paltform. This is a new project where they aim at the heart of global payments and digital banking platform that aims to allow hundreds of millions of retail users, institutions, merchants, vendors, and ecosystem partners to participate easily in the crypto economy with instant conversions between digital and fiat currencies.


Q3 in 2019 they have come along a long road and archived some great results. 2022 has brought to us, the development of new Siberia Blockchain Protocol commences. It has been done, and they have move to the payment app, which will give us easy access to the platform through our smart devices. And they’re done testing their exchange platform.

With that accomplishment, PDXCoin is now tradable in p2pb2b exchange platform. The tradable pair is PDX/USDT with the value of $40.15.

From my point of view, this is something we need must. They have done very good with the project to reach this level. Now, if they are able to keep up with the crypto market, I’m sure this will prove to be an awesome project.

PDX Coin is trading on the P2PB2B and VINDAX Exchanges

Don't Forget P2PB2B Exchange


Don't Forget VINDAX Exchange

Contract address 👇 https://etherscan.io/token/0x6a8fee0E33Cb65a7E8D21BadCA62E87639ef74B3


PDX will partner with leading globally recognized institutions in order to cost-effectively and securely build,audit, and monitor the pool of oil reserves benefiting all PDX holders.


PDX was purposely designed to eventually be the world's leading non-fiat, digital, means of exchange. It provides true send / receive functionality and will enable all people globally to have access to a banking capability on their phones and other devices, as well as access to credit and the ability to be paid in cryptocurrency as well as make payments, anywhere in the world, cheaply and instantaneously, peer-to-peer. It also acts as a relatively stable store of value by effectively securitizing and monetizing the value of underlying energy assets, at the same time also providing full DeFi financing and yield generation capabilities.

#PDX #PDXCoin #PDXPlatform #Payments #PDXapp #crypto #Vindax #Exchange #crypto #listing


Forum Username: yanyan84
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330
Telegram Username : @yanyan84
PDX ERC20 Wallet Address on P2PB2B: 0x6b45317d970Db5D5bd7826F2b7F6809B12E5B6A9

TALETE KODE - 'n DeFi Finansiële Diens Innovasie wat gebruikers beloon met 'n volhoubare, saamgestelde rente model

INLEIDING Tans beweeg tradisionele finansiële markte om gedesentraliseerd te word. Dit is omdat deursigtigheid een van die belangrike faktor...