Minggu, 26 Desember 2021

Magic Trading Platform Potentially Become a Real Company Owner


As we all know, investment activities are almost the same as saving activities. It's just that the difference between investing and saving is that investment activities will be accompanied by risks to bear losses.

But besides that, it should also be noted that investment will also bring profits or returns that are much greater than saving activities.

Now people around the world have a number of reasons why they turn to the world of investment, including as a preparation to face the threat of inflation and gain faster financial freedom.

Not only that, with your retirement investment, you will be more guaranteed, and you no longer need to be afraid of the issue of inflation because the invested capital will increase over time.

The following are the best investment platforms for you to follow:


The international investment platform Magic Trading is entering the most important phase of digitizing personal assets.
Following a detailed scaling plan, the company will go through a step-by-step process to create a global public company. From then on, each partner of the company will be able to become the full owner of a portion of the company's shares, receive additional dividends and have the right to vote at international meetings, deciding important issues regarding the future of the company.


Magic Trading is a new generation investment company, which operates on the financial markets and specializes in stock exchange transactions.

The priority of Magic Trading is successful new generation trading.

Our investors get a chance to realize their financial needs. Magic Trading is a team of professional traders and investment specialists. This gives a brilliant opportunity to implement the most online and innovative ideas in the investment market.

What is Magic Trading success? It is stability, responsibility and reliability of the company. When world markets collapse and many companies lose money, we provide stable profits and are a reliable partner in the world of investments.

Stability, reliability and security are the three main principles upon which Magic Trading’s strategy is based. Our task is to calculate all options for a successful trading several steps ahead.
We are following the "10th man" method. Statistically, most people do not believe in accidents until they happen. This is human nature. That’s why we use this method when analyzing markets.

If 9 people in the team come to a consensus when processing information, it is the duty of the 10th person to disagree with them and offer alternatives. The 10th person analyzes the information, assuming that the others are wrong. This method of analysis makes it possible to predict much further and be prepared for any force majeure situations in the world markets. Despite the economic crisis associated with the global pandemic, we found new business opportunities and became even stronger. The use of remote work, innovative management and control methods allow us to get 100% return on investment.

Investment platform Magic Trading Token

The international investment platform Magic Trading continues to develop and implement additional options in its internal toolkit, expanding the arsenal of opportunities for all partners of the company.

From now on, every partner of the international investment platform Magic Trading can become a full-fledged shareholder of the company, take a seat on the board of the joint-stock company and make key decisions regarding the life of the company, receive additional profits and much more. This direction is carried out through the purchase/storage of the company's shares in the form of MTK Token.

General concepts and Purpose of the token
  • In the third quarter of 2021, the international Magic Trading platform is issuing a limited number of shares equivalent to 49.5% of the company’s total capitalization of $500,000,000. Each partner of the company will be able to both buy and sell digital assets on exchanges or on the Magic trading platform.
  • MTK owners receive a dividend in USDT from the company’s profits twice a year, after the international summit and the summing up of the results. The amount of dividends is determined by the number of MTK ownership and the final 2Q profit of the company.
  • MTK Token partners who own from 0,05% of MTK Token company have the right to vote in closed meetings, taking major decisions on the development of Magic Trading.
  • The tokens are backed by a real asset and are linked to its value. In fact, they are real shares of a company that certify ownership and enable you to receive dividends.
  • A digital token retains all the characteristics of a traditional asset, with the added benefits of blockchain: transparency, security, speed and cheapness.
  • They cannot be faked and do not have high volatility. Assets in this area have already proven to be an effective investment solution.

MTK - Magic Trading tokenized shares based on TRC-20. According to the regulations, this token has passed the tokenization process through STO - security token offering. STO is an analogue of an IPO that meets all the legal requirements of regulators. This procedure is a key element in the legality of the tokenization process and is a guarantor of legal transparency, which reduces risks for investors

Token function

MTK Token is a non-scalable token, the issued limited amount of 249,500,000 MTK is residual. In addition to dividend bonuses, MTK Token holders will be able to trade the asset on global exchanges by buying/selling the token.
  • Number of tokens:
249,500,000 MTK
  • MTK Sale Start:
October 2021
  • Number of tokens redeemed through referral program:
17.465.000 MTK
  • Dividend payout to MTK owners:
2 times a year
  • Number of tokens for voting rights at shareholder meetings:
0.05% MTK

Benefits of owning MTK Security Token:
  1. Obtaining ownership rights to shares of the investment platform Magic Trading
  2. Receiving dividends in USDT from owning MTK Token
  3. Obtaining the right to vote at international meetings (for holders of 0.05% MTK Token)
  4. Obtaining the status of a member of the joint stock company Magic Trading Group Limited
  5. Savings on commissions, 24/7 access to sales markets, moderate volatility
  6. Providing liquidity and security thanks to the smart contract and blockchain, respectively
  7. Receiving free tokenized company shares using the referral airdrop.
Allocation of tokens

The distribution of tokens will take place strictly in the established proportion, absolutely everyone will be able to choose an acceptable option. The total number of tokens also includes an airdrop option.

After the complete token distribution, the market demand on public exchanges will come into effect - the limited number of tokens and the scaling of the company is a guarantee of high demand from the public. Unlike most representatives, MTK Token is tied to the total capitalization of the company including internal and external insurance funds, which clearly demonstrates the value of acquiring this asset.




Progress does not stand still, and in the future many issues and problems can be resolved. TRC20 Token with a built-in smart- contract introduced the future needs and desires of users and make it possible to carry out reliable and confidential transactions without the participation of external intermediaries in the person of banks or other third parties.

The concept of decentralizing and “Internet of money” as implemented by the TRC20 Token provides for users with unique potential; rather than being a closed-ended and borders limited, transaction's time limited, tools limited, TRC20 Token is open- ended by design, and we believe that it is extremely well-suited to serving as a foundational layer for a very large number of both financial and non-financial world in the years to come..

Like Bitcoin or Ethereum — TRC20 Token is an open-source project built by small team but very soon many people around the world started developing and join the TRC20 Token community. But unlike the Bitcoin TRC20 was designed to be more adaptable, faster, flexible with full potential to adapt in future for world needs and upcoming “updates”

MTK Token Smart-contract (v2.0):


  • February 2021 : 
Development of a plan for tokenization of assets of the Magic Trading platform
  • March 2021 :
Signing official documents with developers
  • May 2021 :
Development of the MTK platform
  • June 2021 :
Passage of STO. Obtaining a license and the necessary documents for the activity.
  • July 2021:
MTK platform launch
  • August 2021 :
Preparing for the phased distribution of tokens
  • September 2021 :
Completion of the MTK Token launch preparation process.
  • October 2021 :
Public sale of MTK Token
  • November 2021 :
Token listing on public exchanges
  • December 2021 :
Full distribution of tokens
  • March 2022 :
First quarterly meeting of joint stock company MTK
Join MTK Community
Join MTK on social media:

#MTK_Token #MTK_MT #MTK #MagicToken #aladd1ncenter #Bounty #Azbit

Forum Username : yanyan84
Forum Profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330
Telegram @username : @yanyan84
Azbit registration Email: (https://azbit.com) : yan802262@gmail.com
MTK address on Azbit ( https://azbit.com ) : TMpE8GqCWqPoSpUimiBuQV6HVe4pSUNcar

Sabtu, 25 Desember 2021

23Swap Finance - Crypto Exchange Platform Innovation


Applications for crypto exchanges such as pancake swap, uni swap and many others have features that are commonly used. However, the 123 Swap Finance application has an advantage, of course, because Tomas Ambarzas and his team have been working since 2020 to improve existing applications. So far, it has entered Q2 where preparations for launching and ethereum testnet have entered, soon entering Q3 where it will be fully operational. This simple description of 123 Swap Finance will be easier and cheaper. Let's see together about the discussion of this 123Swap Finance application.

The Ease Of Trading 123Swap

123SWAP is a site that promotes one-to-one trading through a system of swaps . The site offers a platform for buyers and sellers to connect with one another, making it easier for people to trade. 123Swap’s platform is designed to connect buyers and sellers, who can then arrange to make trades with one another. In order to connect with other members on the 123Swap platform, users must first create a profile. Users can list the products they are looking to buy or sell and the prices they are willing to pay or sell for. They can also describe the type of items they are looking for, including their preferences (e.g., size, color, brand, etc.). Trading on 123Swap is easy. The platform offers traders the opportunity to exchange items of value with people from all over the world. The common denominator between two traders is their mutual need. It might be a difference in a brand of clothing, a laptop or a car. The spot market is the center of the website, and the traders post their items for sale. Interested parties place their bids and the highest bidder wins the product. The website has a reputation system, allowing traders to build a profile based on their past transactions. This encourages trust between the traders.

People have traded with one another for a long time — whether it was a barter system, where one person would have to have something a second person wanted, or it was a system where money was involved. But there were always some problems with these systems — and you’ve probably experienced them. The barter system, for example, didn’t work so well when you wanted to trade with someone who didn’t want what you had. And the money system had problems, too — like it was hard to figure out the value of something and it was hard to carry around your money. Today, though, there is a new way to trade — one that makes it easier than ever before. If you’re thinking about trading something you have for something you want, you might want to consider 123Swap.

Outstanding Features That Spots The Difference in 123swap Platform

123Swap is a website that helps people in swapping things they don’t need anymore with people who are looking for them. It is a platform that makes it easy for people to trade and sell their items online. It is becoming a trend in the online world to sell and buy items online. When it comes to online trading, many people are trusting the online marketplaces . With the rise of online marketplaces, a huge competition is created. It is therefore essential for online marketplaces to be the best and provide the best services. 123swap is the best online platform where people can buy and sell items they have no need for. 123Swap is an online platform that connects users from around the world to buy and sell their items in exchange for cryptocurrencies . It is developed by a leading authority in the field of cryptocurrencies and is based in Europe. The company was founded by a team of experts in 2013. The firm is expanding its operations at a fast rate and is revolutionising the world of e-commerce.

123Swap is a peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency exchange platform that allows users to exchange or trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other. The platform acts as a channel between the buyers and sellers and provides a place where everyone can trade their digital assets. The platform is integrated with the best features to give each user the ultimate trading experience. We will discuss some of these features that makes this platform stand apart from all the other exchanges. 123swap) is the world’s first peer-to-peer marketplace for buying and selling domain names. For the first time, domain names can be bought and sold in an open market without the need for a middleman. The platform is built on the Ethereum blockchain, so it is fully decentralized, public and secure. It is designed to provide the user with a fully automated and decentralized platform for buying and selling domain names.

123Swap is a peer to peer and P2P marketplace for buying and selling goods online. It is a marketplace for people who need to sell and buy goods fast. 123swap has increased the productivity of its customers. The platform has a wide range of goods categorized under different categories. The categories are Smartphones, Computers, Home and Garden, Entertainment, Auto and Vehicles, Fashion, and others. 123Swap has an outstanding customer support service. The users have the option to choose the type of customer support they want to get. They have the option to choose between live chat and ticket support. Live chat support has a response time of 2 minutes. Ticket support is also available 24/7.

Exchange 123swap finance

As for the functionality of the exchange 123swap finance platform, here it is extensive, and thanks to this it has its own ecosystem, which includes the following functions:

  • This is a great feature where every # 123swap platform user will be able to exchange cryptocurrencies and make money on it.
  • Well, how could it be without NFT! All 123swap users will be able to easily and easily change their NFT tokens and benefit from it.
  • This function will allow each 123swap user to easily and most importantly secure his or her cryptocurrency to earn additional revenue.
The bridge
  • This feature will allow 123 flexible users manage assets using multiple blockchain chains.
  • This feature opens the door for 123swap users to use 123swap tokens to create administrative suggestions, and to vote for similar suggestions for other users. This will have a direct impact on understanding the features of the 123swap protocol.

You probably have a question, what really separates the 123swap platform from the same platforms already known in the market, and the comparison table you will find below shows that forum # 123swap has a much better offer than its competitors, so it needs special attention.

123swap Finance

For me personally, this is a very important indicator, as it gives me the opportunity to use the single stage of # 123swapfinance and gain access to the best features, which will contribute to greater profit and success.
I would also like to point out one feature of the 123swap platform, namely the ability to work with different blockchains, which allows you to create multi-chain swaps #DeFi, have your own profitable farm stage with the opposite properties. At the moment, 13 blockchains have already been integrated: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Harmony one, Heco eco, Moonriver, Fantom, OEC (formerly known as OKExChain), Avalanche, Cronos, Arbitrum, Palm, xDai)

The 123swap platform also has its own #crypto token, which is the 123 token, which will provide its owners with excellent opportunities to generate additional revenue. You can also find out more about the 123swap forum development programs right now, which will allow you to be among the first to find important information and use it to generate additional revenue.

It is important to visit the official website of the 123swap platform, as well as the official documentation page of the platform right now, to learn more about the contributions and capabilities of the platform, its features and token, and its benefits, and here they are excellent.



It is a stable, shared platform for crypto assets. 123swap uses full assembly comprehension to develop a 3.0 web environment that is basic, accurate, and segmented. Depending on the Binance Smart Chain biosystem. A large part of the 123swap forum feeds itself and relies on the organization to raise money. They will not have as many accessible tokens for purchase after the previous limitation period. Investors and the general public will have equal opportunities. 123swap includes people who are committed to their money and building wealth together.


123swap is a stage that permits clients to exchange totally unique mystery administrations between companions, bringing the development of a rewarding climate simultaneously.
It is workable for anybody to visit the 123swap dashboard, making it a more straightforward and open environment. Customers holding tokens

 #123swap #private #seed #tokensale #started #trending #Exclusive #Crypto #Trading #Trending #defi #123swapfinance #invest #earlystage

Projects Details
Authors Details

Bitcointalk Username: yanyan84
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330;sa
BSC Wallet Address: 0xE7C6EB24D679a1CafEffC6798372A7bcC513200e

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2021

PAYRUE-Crypto Asset Exchange App


Over the years, digital asset platforms have emerged, whether used via smartphones or via computers, such as wallets, binance and many more. This time we will explore a platform that can be accessed via goggleplay, app store or android. In Payrue we are presented with various features such as swap, staking, Payrue wallet, NFT and many more. In terms of its interesting features, it feels like we peeled thoroughly about this Payrue.

We live in an era where technology is gradually disrupting every facet of the economy including finance. Pivot among such technologies is the blockchain which for a while has been the trendiest trend in Fintech. Of late we have witnessed the recurring trends on blockchain where individuals and organizations join resources to create, renovate, or merely replicate existing technologies to bring about something new in the form of apps/dapps with which users can best manage their digital assets while at the same time saving them the stress and at times frustrations of dealing with conventional financial institutions (like banks). And right here is where Payrue comes in.

Features of Payrue Wallet App

The major features of payrue wallet app include:
  • Wallet
  • Exchanges
  • Payrue invoicing
  • Lending/borrowing
  • Staking
  • Propel

Payrue Invoicing

Another unique feature of the payrue app is the Payrue invoice service. This feature is particularly useful to freelancers. Payrue invoice is an invoicing service that enables freelancers anywhere to receive payments in cryptocurrency for jobs done. Without a doubt, this feature is put in place to bring about a mass adoption of cryptocurrencies which is the project’s core mission. This would save freelancers who wish to acquire cryptocurrencies the stress of having to manually convert their fiat earnings to crypto.


The lending/borrowing service is a feature that would allow users to lend or borrow major cryptocurrencies such as BTC and ETH for very low interest.


Pàyrue also outlines a staking feature in its platform to encourage and reward its token holders. Pàyrue staking would be done with the propel tokens (PRPL) and the rewards would be paid out in propel tokens also.


As with most blockchain projects, Payrue has its own native currency known as Propel (PRPL). Propel token is built upon the stellar blockchain network. The major use case of Propel is to cover transaction costs and trading fees within the payrue exchange. It is also a reward trust token which would be used to reward loyal members on the platform.
Propel is presently tradeable at Latoken exchange with major pairs like BTC, ETH, USDT, and XLM. It can also be exchanged currently on Stellar-based decentralised exchanges while awaiting more exchanges and listings in the near future.

PayRue Wallet

Multichain Wallet
  • Binance Smart Chain
  • Ethereum
  • Polygon
  • Fantom
  • Avalanche

PayRue Wallet is your digital asset wallet for transfers, swaps, staking and NFT collectibles

With PayRue Wallet you are in control of your private keys, easy access to transfer and swap over multiple blockchains and manage multiple tokens easily direct from mobile.

Your own Wallet for Crypto and NFT:
  • Trade any token on BSC, Ethereum and Polygon direct from mobile
  • Hold your NFT Collectibles close to you
  • Control of your own private keys

Payrue project operates two exchanges namely: Propel DEX and Payrue DEX. Both are hybrid exchanges with decentralised wallets (which implies they make use of extensions like meta masks), but with centralised order books.

However, whereas Payrue DEX is built on the Ethereum Blockchain, Propel DEX is set up on the stellar Blockchain network. The exchanges enable users to exchange virtual currencies against one another at any time.


Propel token has 10 billion total supply. Out of this 50% (5bn) are earmarked for distributed to users at various points through registration, bounties, referrals, etc. 15%(1.5bn) is to be shared among the project team members, while 35%(3.5bn) would be reserved by the team for general growth of the project in the future as well as for partnerships. Payrue has no ICO/IEO, but raised funds through crunchbase for its project. Its tokens are mostly given freely to users on sign-up/verification as well as through referrals. The project is currently distributing 2000 propel to each verified user on their mobile app. Yes, that means you can grab your 2000 propel right now once you download and sign-up on their mobile app, and successfully complete the kyc verification. The mobile app can be found on playstore as shown in the above screenshot.

Payrue has also scheduled token burning events which would occur every first day of each quarter of the year.


PayRue is on a mission to drive cryptocurrency adoption and become a leading crypto payment gateway, what could be more glorious than that?

And with its functional financial features; operational wallets, decentralized exchanges, payments, all this without external financial assistance and fundraising make PayRue a great platform.

#crypto #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #blockchain #foxcampaigns #btc #nft #nftart #digitalart #cryptoart #nftartist #crypto #nfts #ethereum #nftcommunity #nftcollector #propel #payrue #pump #cryptopumps 🚀

For more information:

Bitcointalk Username: yanyan84

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3283330

BSC addresses: 0xdaffe72a15e0bab362817b68786ca30d31a359c5

TALETE KODE - 'n DeFi Finansiële Diens Innovasie wat gebruikers beloon met 'n volhoubare, saamgestelde rente model

INLEIDING Tans beweeg tradisionele finansiële markte om gedesentraliseerd te word. Dit is omdat deursigtigheid een van die belangrike faktor...